Survivor Season 45 Week 9 Recap and Live Blog Results
A new episode of Survivor 45 airs tonight on CBS. Read a live recap here.
The tribe returns to camp after Kellie’s blindside. Jake is relieved he didn’t get voted out. He thinks he has a new opportunity in the game now. Bruce was shocked by the votes. Dee tells him that Kellie wanted to vote him out. Dee says that Kellie felt like Bruce was overbearing, which bothers Bruce. Kendra is sad her friend Kellie is gone. She wants to figure out how to move forward.
Kendra talks game with Katurah, and she shares that she wants to target Dee next. Soon later, Katurah rats out Kendra to Julie. Katurah still wants to side with the Reba alliance instead of her former Belo tribe members. Meanwhile, Austin has two hidden immunity idols in his possession after Kellie’s elimination. Now that both J. Maya and Kellie are gone, the amulet in Austin’s possession is now an idol. The Reba alliance of Austin, Drew, Dee, and Julie discuss their plans moving forward. They want to target Bruce next to flush out his idol, and they say the next targets should be Jake and Kendra.
Reconsidering alliances
It’s the next morning. Bruce doesn’t know where he stands in the game after losing his closest ally Kellie. He’s still bothered by what Kellie has apparently said about him. He doesn’t like being called overbearing, and he wonders if he needs to make any changes in how he acts around others. Later, Emily brings up voting out Dee to Austin and Drew. After they hesitate, Emily is rethinking her alliance with Austin and Drew. She doesn’t want to be the bottom of a five-person alliance. Austin wants to continue to play both sides between his Reba alliance with Drew, Dee, and Julie and his trio alliance with Drew and Emily. He’s especially gotten very close to Dee and doesn’t want to vote her out.
Before tribal council, the castaways get tree mail. They are told they must divide the tribe into thirds for the immunity challenge. The groups are Drew, Dee, and Jake; Katurah, Emily, and Austin; and Julie, Kendra, and Bruce. Julie is worried she’ll be an easy target if the groups have to go to tribal council as a trio. To placate her, Austin gives his hidden immunity idol to Julie in case she needs it.
It’s time for the immunity challenge
The competition will be played in three stages. The first stage requires them to go across a balance beam while balancing a ball. Then they must dig up three rope rungs. The first two groups to complete the challenge will move on to the second stage.
The second stage requires teams to build a rope bridge and land three balls on three rings. The first group to finish moves on to the final round. The last three will compete individually in an endurance challenge. They will have their arms outstretched holding up two wooden discs. If they drop the discs, then they are eliminated. The last player standing will win immunity. In addition, the group that makes it to the final stage will go to the sanctuary and enjoy rotisserie chicken.
Jeff also reveals a twist. The first group out will lose their votes at tribal council, but they can earn it back on the journey.
The challenge begins. The group of Dee, Drew, and Jake fall behind after Jake keeps struggling on the balance beam. They are behind, but they are the first group to dig up their three rope rungs. It’s now down between the other two groups. Bruce, Julie, and Kendra find their three rope rungs. Austin, Emily, and Katurah lose their votes. Jeff hints they will have the chance to earn their votes back on the journey. It’s time for the second stage. The group of Dee, Drew, and Jake take the lead, but the group of Bruce, Julie, and Kendra land their three balls first. They will move on to the final stage, as well as enjoy rotisserie chicken. Kendra is the first to drop her discs. It’s now down between Bruce and Julie for immunity. Julie drops her discs. Bruce wins immunity!
Who to target?
Dee, Drew, and Jake return to camp. Drew is disappointed Bruce won immunity since they can’t flush out his idol. He points out how the votes are up in the air since they don’t know how many people will be allowed to vote. Jake tells Drew and Dee he’s a free agent in the game after his former Belo tribe members voted against him last time. After Jake walks away, Drew and Dee discuss targeting Kendra tonight. They also wonder if Austin should play his idols for anyone in the Reba alliance tonight. They also end up eating most of the rice they prepared for themselves and Jake.
At the sanctuary, they share a rotisserie chicken. Kendra says she hasn’t eaten chicken in fifteen years, but she eats some today. Later, the talk turns to game. Kendra wants to target Dee, but Julie is not on board. Julie admits in a confessional that she wants to go to the end of the game with Dee. Julie knows Kendra is Dee’s target, but she would rather see Jake voted out next. Bruce is fine with voting for Jake. Kendra is agreeable since Jake is unpredictable. Kendra says in her confessional she’s fine voting for anyone as long as it’s not her. Julie is glad Jake seems to be the consensus vote tonight, but she’s worried it won’t be that easy.
Austin earns back his vote
Austin, Emily, and Katurah go on a journey through the jungle. After they reach three paths, they separate and walk alone. They reach a logic puzzle they each must complete before the timer runs out. They have a series of numbers, and must place three plus signs and one minus sign to make the series of numbers equal 100. Katurah and Emily are unable to solve the puzzle, but Austin solves it. Austin earns back his vote, but Katurah and Emily cannot vote tonight.
Back at camp, Jake tells Drew he’s open to any plan he comes up with. Jake throws out Kendra’s name, and Drew admits he’s thinking she’s a good option for the vote. Later, Austin, Emily, and Katurah return. They all say they don’t have a vote, but Austin is lying. He later comes clean to his Reba alliance. Austin and Dee agree to vote out Kendra tonight. Dee reconfirms the plan with Julie, but Julie says Bruce and Kendra are on board to vote out Jake tonight. Dee and Drew say the plan is vote out Kendra, which bothers Julie. She doesn’t like how Dee and Drew are unwilling to consider another option.
Jake or Kendra?
Later, Kendra tells Emily that the plan is to vote out Jake tonight. Emily is glad to know the plan, which she discusses with Drew. Drew tells her the plan is to vote out Kendra, which surprises Emily. She asks where did he hear that, and he says he heard it from Dee and Drew. Emily wants Jake voted out, but she can’t vote tonight. The Reba alliance discuss plans again before tribal council. They have the numbers to decide what to do tonight. Do they target Jake or Kendra? Dee is adamant that Kendra needs to go since she threw out her name. She’s determined to have the vote go her way tonight.
It’s time for tribal council. They first discuss the previous tribal council. Kendra says it was tough losing her first friend. It was tougher than she expected. Jake was prepared to see his name come up, but he was floored to see Kellie’s name. He knows he’s on the bottom of the tribe. He hopes the last vote did shift the game since he’s playing catch up. Jeff asks about the immunity challenge next. Julie hopes she made her kids proud doing well in the challenges despite being the oldest player on the tribe. Bruce says it’s not a good thing to have won immunity twice in a row since it could put a target on his back. But he’s still glad to be safe tonight.
The 10th person is voted off Survivor
Jeff shifts the discussion to the twist of three people possibly losing their vote. Drew says the twist adds a complication. If the three of them aren’t being honest, then they don’t know how many people will be voting tonight. Kendra admits she didn’t consider the possibility of people lying about having a vote tonight or not. She also worries she wasn’t part of some bigger conversations tonight. Dee compares the game to Pokémon since there’s evolution in the gameplay. Jake closes tribal council by saying he’s just looking for a home, and he hopes he can be valuable to someone. Afterwards, they cast their votes.
Jeff reads the votes. The first vote is for…
Kendra is the tenth person voted out and the third member of the jury.
And that wraps up tonight’s episode of Survivor. Thanks for reading, and come back next week for another live recap.