Survivor 35 Heroes Healers & Hustlers Week 5 Recap and Live Blog

A new episode of Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers airs tonight on CBS. Read a live recap and join the discussion here.

The Levu tribe returns to camp after tribal council. Joe played his hidden immunity idol, which resulted in Alan getting voted out. Ashley admits she wasn’t 100% Team Alan, but he was the only other Hero on the tribe with her. Ashley gives kudos to Joe on a well-played move, and Joe tells her that she read her face and knew how to play his idol correctly. Ashley calls Joe crazy and smart, and that he’s a scary one. She also acknowledges the tribe is two against two now: Ashley and Devon versus Joe and Desi. Meanwhile, on the Yawa tribe, Ben is experiencing PTSD. He’s a former Marine, and a loud noise set him off. He says it’s tough being in a camp with other people who haven’t gone through the same experience as him. He’s on the show for his family, and he hopes to win for them.

It’s now time for the reward challenge. Tribe members will have their hands and feet tied, and they must slither across the sand and push a ball with their head through a lane, allowing another tribe member to take over and continue. Once the ball is at the end of the lane, another tribe member must shoot balls into a basket. The first tribe to complete the challenge will win a coffee reward with pastries, and the second tribe to finish will get a small jug of coffee for themselves. The challenge begins, and Desi helps Levu take an early lead. Levu is the first to shoot balls (with Devon shooting the balls into the basket). Mike and Ryan are struggling slithering across the sand, but eventually Yawa can shoot baskets too. Ryan is still struggling, and he continuously loses grasp of the ball as it slides down the sand behind him. Devon and Cole are shooting baskets, and Devon is the first to shoot all the baskets. Levu wins reward! Cole only has three more baskets to shoot as Ryan finally gets the ball at the end of the lane. Before JP can even attempt to shoot baskets, Cole lands his last ball in the basket. Yawa wins reward!

At the Levu tribe, the tribe enjoys the reward; they eat pastries and drink coffee. Desi is feeling good about their chances, and she hopes the reward will be good for morale. Devon has similar sentiments, but admits in a confessional that he needs to keep his head in the game. He is still gunning for Joe and wants him gone. He lets Ashley know he is sticking with her, and she tells him she’s standing by him too. They agree they will go to a tie if they lose the immunity challenge, but they hope they can at least get Desi to flip to their side. If not, then they will go to rocks to break the tie.

At the Soko tribe, Ryan admits he did terribly in the reward challenge. He hopes he can rely on his social game to make it far in the game. Meanwhile, Roark is very aware she is in the minority, and she is hoping she can build a bond with her other tribe members. Roark talks game with Ali, and she hopes she can have the Hustlers and Healers join forces when a merge comes. Ali is glad to have built a rapport with Roark, and she’s hopeful she will have numbers on her side come a merge with Hustlers and Healers coming together. If they lose immunity, then they can vote out either JP or Chrissy. Ali lets Ryan know about the plan, but Ryan is torn. He still wants to work with Chrissy, but she and Ali are not currently working together.

At the Yawa tribe, Lauren is annoyed by Cole’s eating habits. She says he licks everything and is not mindful of other people. She hopes he continues to dig his own grave. Meanwhile, Jessica is unsure if she can trust Cole since he spills secrets, so she wants to separate herself from Cole. She and Mike go to the well together to look for an idol, and Mike finds the hidden immunity idol buried in the sand. Mike is okay with Jessica knowing he has the idol since he trusts her.

It’s time for the immunity challenge. Each tribe must retrieve three bags of rice from a boat and then push them through a hole in a barrier standing in the ocean. Afterwards, they must walk across a balance beam with the bags of rice and take them back to shore. Lastly, they must solve a vertical maze by maneuvering balls through a maze of holes to the top. The challenge begins, and it’s fairly even by the time they get to the balance beams. Once all the bags of rice are on shore, they must open the bags and find the balls inside them. Soon enough, all the tribes are working on the maze. Yawa takes the lead as they get two balls into slots at the top, and so do Levu. Soko is currently in last as they only have one of the three balls in a slot. Cole gets the last ball for Yawa, and Yawa wins immunity! Chrissy is struggling for Soko, but she refuses to give up her spot. Before anyone can switch out, Levu gets their last ball in. Levu wins immunity! Soko will go to tribal council tonight.

The Soko tribe returns to camp after the immunity challenge. Chrissy is not feeling confident about her spot since she doesn’t feel like she can trust anyone. Chrissy pulls Roark aside to talk game, and she tells her she sees her as the most strategic player in the game. She wants them to be on the same page, and she brings up the idea of voting out a guy tonight. Chrissy wants an all-girl alliance, and Roark tells Chrissy she is on board with this. However, in her confessional, Roark points out this is the first time Chrissy has talked game with her. She wants Chrissy gone. Later on, Chrissy talks to JP about Roark. She lies to JP and throws Roark under the bus as the one wanting to build an all-girl alliance. JP is on board with voting out Roark tonight. Chrissy goes talk to Ryan about voting out Roark, but he knows Roark and Ali want to vote out Chrissy. He realizes he is the swing vote tonight, and he’ll be making two people mad regardless how he votes.

At tribal council, they discuss the challenge. Ali points out how Chrissy didn’t switch out with anyone, and Chrissy defends herself. Bickering starts right away as Chrissy is adamant that she offered the others to take her place, but they told her to keep going. The others disagree with this. They discuss the vote next, and Roark says that Chrissy didn’t talk to her until after they found out they were going to tribal council. However, Chrissy says Roark didn’t talk to her either. The talk turns to the bonds created in the game, and Ali says that no one knows who to trust until after a vote. Jeff points out how there are two Hustlers and two Heroes, and Roark is the sole Healer. Roark thinks she is the swing vote, but Chrissy doesn’t think the bonds are as obvious. She doesn’t think it’s simply two pairs and one in the middle. Afterwards, it’s time for the vote.

Jeff reads the votes. The first vote is for…






Roark is the fifth person voted out of Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers.

And that wraps up tonight’s episode of Survivor. Thanks for reading, post your thoughts in the comment section below, and come back next week for another live recap.

About Steven Curtis 538 Articles
Steven is a graduate of the University of West Florida with a bachelor's degree in communication arts. He enjoys watching reality competition shows, such as American Idol, Survivor, Big Brother, and The Amazing Race.