Survivor 31 Second Chance – Week 9 Live Blog

A new episode of Survivor: Second Chance airs tonight on CBS. Read a live recap and join the discussion here.

Last week, several castaways were eager to make a big move. Stephen wanted Joe out and he managed to get people on board with him. Unfortunately for him, his plan came to a halt when Joe won immunity. Afterwards, Savage and Joe then decided to target Stephen for wanting Joe out. Wentworth, Ciera, and Abi were on board with voting anyone out as long as it wasn’t them. However, Jeremy and Spencer decided it would be better to vote out Wentworth or Ciera first so they don’t float on by while allies turn against each other. At tribal council, aware that she was the target, Wentworth played her hidden immunity idol and saved herself. And since the majority alliance mistakenly decided to not split the votes, Wentworth, Ciera, and Abi’s three votes were enough to send Savage out of the game. After that exciting tribal council, how will things play out tonight? Will Wentworth, Ciera, and Abi survive, or will they be targeted again? Let’s find out!

After tribal council, everyone is reeling from that crazy tribal council. Wentworth admits she got worked up, but she explains it was because she felt betrayed by quite a few people. The others congratulate her for a good move. However, Kimmi tells Joe, Stephen, and Wiglesworth that she still wants Wentworth, Ciera, and Abi out next. She calls them the witches coven. Stephen agrees with the analogy since he believes Wentworth, Ciera, and Abi are hotheads who cause trouble.

The next morning people are hunting for a hidden immunity idol. Abi catches Joe looking for the idol when she went to use bathroom. She tells this to Wentworth, and they are amused by Joe’s paranoia. Wentworth knows she is on the bottom of the tribe, but she is hopeful that there will be another big move at the next tribal council since there is a lack of trust in the large alliance of eight.

It’s time for the reward challenge. There will be two teams of five that will run through a maze and then complete a puzzle that will give them a combination to unlock a chest that will raise a flag. The team that wins will be rewarded with a trip to the Survivor Spa, which includes massages and food. The teams will be selected by a schoolyard pick and one person will not be chosen. Tasha and Wiglesworth were the two captains. Tasha chose Stephen, Spencer, Joe, and Ciera for the Purple Team. Wiglesworth chose Keith, Wentworth, Kimmi, and Jeremy for the Green Team. Abi was not chosen. The challenge begins with the two teams having to build a staircase will polls that will take them to the top of a maze. The Purple Team is the first to complete the staircase and they are making their way through the maze as the Green Team is still working on staircase. The Purple Team has a massive lead as Spencer and Ciera begin working on the puzzle as the Green Team is still at the staircase. The Green Team finally completes the staircase, but it’s too late. When the Green Team finally makes it to the puzzle portion of the challenge, the Purple Team has already completed it. Tasha, Stephen, Spencer, Joe, and Ciera win reward!

At the Survivor Spa, they all enjoy a nice meal together. Ciera starts talking strategy with them, and they seem open to hear what she has to say. Ciera throws Jeremy under the bus and says Jeremy will win if he makes it to the end. She also says Wiglesworth is dangerous due to her strong social game. Meanwhile, Jeremy goes to look for the hidden immunity idol back at camp. While the other five are cooking food, he finds the clue. Later at night when everyone is gathered around the fire, Jeremy goes down the path where the hidden immunity idol awaits by a lit torch. Jeremy now has two hidden immunity idols!

Wiglesworth and Joe talk by the beach. She tells him she trusts him, Kimmi, and Keith. Stephen sees them and goes to talk to Ciera, Abi, and Wentworth. He doesn’t think he needs to form a lasting alliance with them, but wants them to be a voting block together. They discuss taking out Joe. Ciera and Abi want to take out Wiglesworth. Ciera is amused that people finally want to talk game with them.

It’s time for the immunity challenge. It’s another balancing challenge that will require them to stand on a triangular perch floating in the water. The last person standing will win. After the challenge begins, Jeff presents a choice to everyone. Buoys appear in front of them in water and an advantage will be given to whomever touches their buoy first. Spencer and Stephen immediately go for the advantage. They dive into the water and swim to their buoy. It’s a close race, but it’s Stephen who reaches it first. Stephen wins the advantage! The challenge then continues on and everyone must now transition higher on their perch. During the transition, Wentworth, Jeremy, Ciera, Kimmi, and Tasha fall right after one another. Later on, Keith falls too. Joe, Wiglesworth, and Abi are last three left. They must now go to the final round, which will require them to stand on one foot. Wiglesworth is unable to make the transition and is out. It’s a showdown between Abi and Joe, but it’s Abi who falls. Joe wins immunity!

When they return to camp, Kimmi is adamant to send Wentworth, Ciera, and Abi out next. She talks to the majority alliance and they agree to take out Wentworth. Meanwhile, Stephen reads his advantage. He gets to steal a vote from another tribe member. If Stephen chooses to use his advantage tonight, then he will get to vote twice. However, he says in his confessional that he won’t be using his advantage tonight. Afterwards, he talks to Wentworth, Ciera, and Abi and they plan to take out Wiglesworth. He then approaches Jeremy and Spencer to take out Wiglesworth with them. Jeremy and Spencer do agree that Wiglesworth is a threat, but they are hesitant about trusting Wentworth, Ciera, and Abi. Stephen reiterates that the game has evolved. It’s now about voting blocks, not alliances. They don’t have to work with the three girls long term; they just need to use their desperate situation to their advantage when they can. Spencer and Jeremy seem to be willing to vote out Wiglesworth, but are worried about the consequences it could cost to their own games.

It’s time for tribal council. It’s pouring down rain and everyone is shivering. Jeff talks about Wentworth’s idol play last time. He asks her how she feels about the vote tonight, and she doesn’t think the vote will be as clear cut as many people believe. Ciera says it’s time for people to play or get played. Jeff then talks to them about this so-called evolution of the game where it’s more fluid and alliances aren’t necessarily so tight. Jeff reminds them that nine people were together last time. Jeremy says that the game is now about about voting blocks that won’t last forever. Spencer agrees, but he says that there is still trust that has been built with certain people. Jeff talks to Wiglesworth, and she is confident people will do what they say they will tonight. Jeff asks who is worried about being voted out tonight, and Spencer, Wentworth, Ciera, Tasha, Stephen, and Abi raise their hands. Afterwards, it’s time to vote.

We see Tasha vote for Ciera, Keith vote for Wentworth, and Wentworth vote for Wiglesworth. What did Jeremy and Spencer decide?

Jeff reads the votes. The first vote is for…











Wiglesworth is voted out and the third member of the jury. She is blindsided, as well as Kimmi, Tasha, Joe, and Keith. “The tribe has spoken,” Jeff says as he snuffs her torch. “Yes, they have,” Wiglesworth replies in disappointment.

And that wraps up tonight’s episode of Survivor: Second Chance! Thanks for reading, post your thoughts in the comments section below, and come back next week for another live recap.

About Steven Curtis 562 Articles
Steven is a graduate of the University of West Florida with a bachelor's degree in communication arts. He enjoys watching reality competition shows, such as American Idol, Survivor, Big Brother, and The Amazing Race.