Ugh. Sub-stories. They have become ubiquitous. We gripe about them. We dissect them. We try to determine there veracity. People lament their inclusion, but yet, they remain. Why? Probably because they are like negative political ads. We all hate ’em, but they work like a charm.
This week feels like I’m on depression overload. Between 3 nights of The Voice and 2 nights of the X-Factor, I’m ready for some cheerful news. We’ve had single moms, dead parents, bullied children, dismissive teachers, falsely imprisoned parents, victims of racism, dire diseases, home invasions, kids supporting ill parents and struggling musicians wanting to feed their families. And of course, music is the one cure. The thing that helped them to go on living. If we don’t vote for them, we might as well be the bullies/diseases/racists/thieves/evil-record-executives ourselves!
A few contestants have been able to hide their sob-stories (David Cook and his brother), some sob-stories have fallen by the wayside (whatever happened to Lauren’s cousin?) and some were criticized on camera for not using their sob-stories (Elise! How dare you deny us the story of your sick dog!). Some were denied their sob-stories (Gedeon’s father who died between the Hollywood rounds and the live rounds in Season 5) while others make up sob-stories out of the most minor problems (Simon making Lee’s paint store career a travesty that must be rectified!).
So, let’s take some time to rage about, praise, or make-up sob-stories. What are the most egregious sob-stories of all-time? What sob-stories touched your heart? What sob-stories actually made you like the contestant less? What sob-stories did we never get to hear? What would be the perfect sob-story? What would be the most ridiculous sob-story?
And who had the best sob-story of the week?