Simon Cowell Admits He Made Some Mistakes. Sort Of.

Check out this long-winded first person article from Simon Cowell published by the Daily Mail.

However, as you might have noticed, the show has not been without controversies.

Chief among them, of course, were the difficulties experienced by runner-up Susan Boyle, and the children who broke down in tears in front of millions on the live show. That has provided a field day for the armchair pundits.

The show has been accused of being a cruel circus that sets out to exploit the vulnerable in a cynical bid to boost ratings. And I, of course, am inevitably portrayed as the evil ringmaster.

So love the shows or hate them, the time has finally come for me to set a few things straight. And Im the first to hold my hands up and admit Ive made mistakes.

I didnt get into showbusiness to make little children cry or upset a nice lady like Susan Boyle.

In it, Simon admits he’s made some mistakes, but somehow manages to come off self-serving and defensive anyway. He also whines about ex-contestants who criticize him. Those who can dish it out, need to suck it up. Ya know?

What do you think? That is, if you can get through the article without your eyes glazing over.

About mj santilli 35048 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!