This week’s post-election Saturday Night Live open combined two events from the past week–the death of Leonard Cohen and surprise presidential election loss of Hillary Clinton–to create a powerful cold opening.
Kate McKinnon as the defeated Hillary Clinton, sat at a piano and sang Cohen’s beloved “Hallelujah.”
Host Dave Chappelle delivered a sharp and insightful monologue on the presidential election results. The comedian made jokes about Donald Trump winning the election and on how being rich has changed his life.
This election night skit features a cameo from former SNL cast member Chris Rock. He and Chappelle roll their eyes as the white people in the room proceed to freak out over the election results.
And, since it is post election week, it’s worth watching ALL of Weekend update. Colin Jost and Michael Che spend most of the segment chewing over this weeks presidential election between Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump. In part 2, Kate McKinnon is particularly hilarious as Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Part 1
Part 2