Ryan Tedder’s Official Statement on the Kelly Clarkson/Beyonce Controversy

ETA: Tedder deleted his prior My Space message to make sure his carefully-worded PR statement was the one that stands.   Tedder defends himself, while complimenting Kelly at the same time. He never mentions the phone call he and Kelly had, which I suspect went down exactly as she said.

I don’t expect Kelly or her label to respond. The idea, I imagine, is to allow the story to die as quick a death as possible.   I can already feel the press is losing interest.

I don’t believe Perez Hilton’s unsubstantiated bit of gossip HERE for a minute.   Kelly will keep supporting the song, and it will sink or swim on it’s own merits.   Maybe the recent publicity will give it a little boost.

Producer/songwriter, Ryan Tedder has released a statement today on the Kelly Clarkson/Beyonce controversy:

“Already Gone” is one of the best song I’ve written or produced since “Bleeding Love” and stands tall on it’s own merits apart from “Halo”.

They are two entirely different songs conceptually, melodically, & lyrically and I would never try to dupe an artist such as Kelly Clarkson or Beyonc into recording over the same musical track, the idea is both hurtful & absurd.

I think when people hear “Already Gone” they will hear what I hear-one of the greatest female vocalists on earth giving her most haunting and heart-breaking performance on a song she helped write.

I challenge people to listen and form their own opinions.”

Tedder made an initial statement yesterday, that he later deleted from his myspace.

About mj santilli 35187 Articles
Founder and editor of mjsbigblog.com, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!