Check out Ryan Seacrest’s first KIIS FM interview with Randy Jackson, Jennifer Lopez, Steven Tyler and Jimmy Iovine–the new Idol team!
Read more HERE. Highlights and VIDEO after the jump…
- Steven’s daughter Liv did a movie with Jennifer.
- Jennifer Lopez says, “I think inately you can’t help but want to give them tough love in a sense. I dont think I can ever be cruel to another artist because I am an artist, and I know what its like to put yourself out there, be in front of people, and say ‘hey do you like me?'”
- On who has the heart on the panel, Steven Tyler says, “It’s debatable because I have the passion and the heart, and I’m going to love them to death. So I can say, ‘you’re going to Hollywood, ‘ but also you gotta tell them ‘don’t hate me for what I say, don’t get mad, get better.'” I will send them home with a broken heart, I’m going to be honest and truthful and open as best I can…and tongue and cheek.”
- Jimmy Iovine: “100% originality. We don’t need someone who loves Mariah Carey and therefore is going to channel her. We need that influence but we want that person to be themselves and be original and do the work. We don’t want karaoke.”
- Jennifer Lopez on Steven Tyler, “How soulful he is. I know he’s an amazing rock God, I get that, I know that. But to sit and speak with him, the depth of his soul really moved me. [That] was the impression that was made on me.”
- Steven Tyler on Jennifer Lopez, “I’m watching Back Up Plan [Jennifer’s movie] and I fell so in love with Jennifer because I watched her eyes and how she interacted with the actor and they really put it across that they were falling in love. I thought that takes a deep soul to be able to pull that off, and that I would maybe someday soon be looking into her eyes…not quite like that. But as most things go in my life, watch out what you dream for and they may come true, and here I am sitting next to her and it’s just phenomenal.”