Ryan Seacrest is a Little Slow on the Uptake Plus, Unannounced Guests on Idol Tonight?

2nd update: TMZ is reporting that Anoop Desai will have the wonky 13th phone number tonight. Psst TMZ, just because Anoop was the last contestant put through last week, does not mean he’ll have the 13th phone number tonight.

Update: Ryan just had one of the Idol producers on the show who said there will be a “special” Idol number for contestant #13 only…the other 12 will have the usual Idol phone number.   I still think a one-off number is unfair, even for a contestant who has the pimp spot.   There’s going to be a ton of mis-dialing tonight…including peeps who wind up calling the Hot Horny Girls chat line anyway.

Ryan Seacrest – Hot Horny Girls

Ryan spoke with Fox chairman Peter Ligouri who claims that FOX knew they didn’t own the number, but not necessarily that it was a sex chat line.

Ryan Seacrest – Peter Ligouri

Also, on The View this morning Elizabeth Hasselbeck said she was going to the broadcast of American Idol tonight to see who the two unannounced guests scheduled for tonight’s show were going to be.

Ryan Seacrest claims to be just figuring out there’s a wee little problem with the phone digits he’ll be giving out later today.

He posted via Twitter at about 7:30 PST:

crap, were gonna have a problem on Idol tonight – just dialed 1-866-IDOLS-13 and its not quite SFW…

A little behind the times, but Ryan’s on the case:

oh man…1-866-IDOLS-00 is dirty too, lol. Just talked to one of the Idol producers and they have a plan…*crossing fingers* – ryan

I love the *crossing fingers* part.   We’re dealing with crack professionals here, aren’t we? If the producers purchased some weird one-off number just for this week, for sure it’ll be assigned to some Idol fodder like Kris Allen and Michael Sarver. Sad for them!

In other news, according to USA Today, we’ll find out tonight or tomorrow night what the big “twist” for the Top 13 is.   The theories in comments have been flying fast and furious.   A bottom 2/3 “sing for your life” in front of the judges and immunity granted to the prior week’s top vote-getter are two ideas that have been tossed around…

Also, TPTB plans for a “double elimination” in order to eliminate 12 contestants in 11 weeks will be explained tonight.

Plus, the Season 8 elimination song, Carrie Underwood’s “Home Sweet Home is now available on iTunes:

About mj santilli 35048 Articles
Founder and editor of mjsbigblog.com, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!