Rising Star Quarter Finals Results – Top 8 – Live Blog and Videos

UPDATE: Maneepat Malloy is the West coast save.

Rising Star Quarter Finals Results

Six singers will move on to the Semi Finals after tonight’s performances! Only 5 will survive the live East coast broadcast. The West coast will save an additional singer.

Expert votes will only total 3% each. Experts and fellow contestants share their feelings about each singer in the pre-performance video package. There should be very little filler in tonight’s 1 hour show.

Joshua Peavy – American Woman – Joshua has stuck to heartfelt and emotional AC ballads throughout the competition. Now he shows us a different side to his personality. It’s not bad. He’s a good singer. I would NOT call him a star, though. He’s not charismatic. He’d light up your local bar. That’s about it. All 3 experts vote yes. Joshua tops out at 71%. Kesha has yellow hair tonight. She calls Joshua a “bad ass.” She was skeptical of the song choice initially. Luda is voting according to the twitter consensus. He’s playing social media dude tonight. Not much of a real critique. Brad thinks Joshua “has the moves,” – 71%

Dana Williams. – “Human” – Dana was ONCE AGAIN saved by the west coast last week. I love this singer’s voice and am always happy when she survives. Her song choices are iffy. This is better than what she chose last week. But she would have aided her survival by choosing a hit song or a solid oldie for this week. She’s pretty shouty and off-pitch on the high notes. An underwhelming performance, she really needed to step it up this week. Kesha and Brad vote yes, Luda votes no. She tops out at 57%. You came out with more balls than you ever had before,” says Kesha. (???) Alrighty then. Brad is still looking for SOMETHING from her, but he voted yes anyway. – 57%

April Lockhart – “Girls Just Want to Have Fun” – She’s the fun loving one-handed teen! She plays guitar with a beak thingy. And actually, she’s a pretty good singer. But this song choice? Having my doubts. She’s back to playing guitar this week. She struggles a little with the rhythm. She’s hitting some REALLY wonky notes. Oh No. Both Luda and Brad give her thumbs down. But really. This is NOT GOOD. She’s blowing it. She tops out at 27%. “I think maybe we found one you can’t do,” says Brad. Yep. It was a horrible song choice. “That was a bad song choice.” Luda reads off of his smart phone. Kesha voted yes, because she always does. – 27%

Maneepat Malloy – Your Song – This singer is pretty boring but she’s a You Tube star.  This video will literally get tens of thousands of hits by morning. She could survive tonight. She plucks the “How wonderful life is now you’re in the world” lyric from the chorus to open the performance a cappella. Not a great idea. She can’t hold her pitch on the last note.  When she DOES sing in tune, she’s personality-free. Her intonation and phrasing need some work. This performance just plods along. Both Brad and Luda vote no. She taps out at 46% “You sing real good,” says Kesha. Oy. Brad felt the performance needed more soul. That’s one way to put it. – 46%.

Audrey Kate Geiger – New York State of Mind – Now this is how you pick a song at a crucial time.  It’s a Billy Joel classic that everyone LOVES. Also the song is a wonderful vocal showcase. The yes votes from the experts come quickly.  This isn’t knocking my socks off, but it’s a solid rendition. Audrey displays a beautiful tone and phrasing. She giggle/sobs at the end. Was it the standing ovation from the judges and audience?  “Very unique, easy to vote yes,:  says Luda. Brad calls her one of the show’s stars. – 85%

Austin French – House of the Rising Sun – Another example of a good song choice. A singing competition staple, can’t miss with this one. Especially when you begin a cappella and stay completely in tune through a few very nice ad libs. The boys are all going to sail through tonight. I find Austin’s voice kind of nasally. But he sings with soul and conviction. He’s a worship leader. I could see him heading to the gospel world. Austin finishes with an emotional flourish. The experts vote yes. Brad voted late. He doesn’t love the song. He wants to hear him sing a country song. Kesha used to cover the song. “Amazing” she says. Luda loved the vocal arrangement. – 89%

April Lockhart is knocked out of the competition. Bye chirpy beak girl. We hardly knew you. Maneepat is in the hot seat now. She stands no chance against Jesse, who has the pimp spot tonight. It rides on Shameia blowing it.  Maybe the west coast will save her.

Shameia Crawford – Skyscraper –  Hm. She begins the performance with the chorus, which is a little disconcerting. She’s also slightly flat.  She and her husband arrange her songs. Maybe they should hand off that task to somebody else? I do give her kudos for attempting to put her own twist on the material. I’m not loving this, although she does sing with passion and presence.  The second half of the song is better than the first. She has an unusual tone, but sounds harsh when she pushes it too far.   All 3 experts vote yes. The second part has some momentum. It’s much better   “I was rooting for you from the beginning.” says Kesha. Brad cautions her to watch her dynamics. – 54%.

Maneepat is eliminated. But, now, Shameia is in the hot seat. No way she beats Jesse. He’s the guy who is going to win the competition.

Jesse Kinch – Money (That’s What I Want) –  Jesse is back with his guitar.  The song begins as a slow blues jam and eventually transforms into a burning heavy metal rocker.  Yep. Jesse’s song choices are usually really safe, but he ALWAYS delivers. He truly commands the stage. Hello winner. Send everyone else home now. Luda admires his work ethic.  Oh. Brad voted NO. He calls it a “cliched cover song.” He has a point, to be honest. He’s looking for “modern radio”–As I’m sure Capitol records, who will sign him when he wins, are too. “Don’t listen to him,” says Kesha. No, she’s wrong.  Jesse shouldn’t be allowed to just sail through this thing. Brad is at least trying with the constructive criticism.  – 88%

Through to the semi-final

Austin French – 89%
Jesse Kinch – 88%
Audrey Kate Geiger – 85%
Joshua Peavy – 71%
Dana Williams – 57% (Oooh. Once again, Dana squeaks by!)
Maneepat Malloy – West Coast Save

About mj santilli 35173 Articles
Founder and editor of mjsbigblog.com, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!