Phillip Phillips “Home” Tops the iTunes Songs Chart

AMERICAN IDOL: The Season 11 winner Phillip Phillips performs his victory song during the sason 11 AMERICAN IDOL GRAND FINALE at the Nokia Theatre on Weds. May 23, 2012 in Los Angeles, California.  CR: Michael Becker/FOX

Congratulations to Phillip Phillips! His coronation single, “Home” is currently #1 on the Overall iTunes songs chart!  What’s more, he currently has 20 of his Idol single charting in the Top 300 songs! And, his Idol compilation album Journey to the Finale is #3 on the iTunes overall album chart!

Jessica Sanchez charts 3 songs on iTunes, her highest single is “The Prayer” at #107.  The Season Finale album, featuring both Phillip and Jessica sits at #2 on the album chart.

Philip Phillips iTunes Singles:

#1 – Home
11 – We’ve Got Tonight
20 – Volcano
24 – Stand By Me
36 – Beggin’
37 – Movin’ Out
52 – U Got It Bad
64 – Have You Ever Seen the Rain?
69 – Disease
89 – Fat Bottomed Girls
98 – Time of the Season
126 – Superstition
136 – The Stone
139 – That’s All
150 – Still Rainin’
159 – In The Midnight Hour
173 – Give More
176 – The Letter
189 – Hard to Handle
253 – This Love

Jessica Sanchez iTunes Singles

107 – The Prayer
168 – Change Nothing
274 – I Will Always Love You
205 – I Have Nothing

About mj santilli 35048 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!