Paula Abdul: Punked by Sacha Baron Cohen aka Bruno

In Paula Abdul’s weekly Idol rundown with John Jay and Rich from KISS Phoenix, she reveals that mentor Jamie Foxx went beyond the call of duty, spending the entire day mentoring the Idols, even taking them out to lunch.

They responded to Jamie really well as a result.

A most lolzworthy moment, though, is Idol-free and happens at the 12:22 mark, as Paula describes how she was punked by Sacha Baron Cohen for his movie “Bruno”.

Paula Abdul – Bruno

Vulture has a transcript:

I’m like, okay, this is weird. Is this a variety show or something like that? So I walk in and there was no furniture except for a chair. And I’m waiting and waiting. And this guy Brà ¼no introduces himself and I said, “Hi.” And he said, “Here have some food.” And the food looked horrible. And I said “No, I’m fine.” And he said, “It’s very, very, very good.” I said, “That’s okay, I don’t want to have it.”

And he says, “Sorry there’s no furniture.” And he snaps his fingers and says “Gardeners!” And these two Mexican guys come in, and they drop down to all fours. I see him paying them like ten bucks. They drop down to all fours and he says [to me], “Sit down.” And I said, “I’m not doing that.” And he says don’t be like …

And I’m in a dress, so I’m tipping and holding my core muscles to not sit on them. And he pushes me down on them, and I’m like, “I’m sorry. And these two gardeners … Mexican gardeners don’t speak a word of English, and I’m like patting them and I’m like, “I’m so sorry.” And he kicked one of them, and we all fall.

About mj santilli 35048 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!