Uh oh. Paige Miles reports that’s she’s sick, via the official AI9 facebook:
In rehearsals but I have completely lost my voice! Throat infection :( Let’s hope for a miraculous recovery by tomorrow night!
Paige is smart to give fans a heads up about her illness–’cause if she sounds terrible tomorrow night, the judges may or may not mention that she’s sick.
It’s been reported that Casey James is also under the weather. He had to see a doctor for a case of the flu…
PS: By the way, I’ve got a couple of moles to Dress rehearsal tomorrow! Stay tunes for spoilers galore!
ETA: Lilly Scott will Be on the Ellen Degeneres show tomorrow (March 16), Alex Lambert on Wednesday (March 17)
ETA2: That You Tube channel with the song spoilers is FAKE.