As social experiments go, this one was pretty hilarious.
Thursday night, on his late night talk show, Jimmy Kimmel handed an ordinary Idaho potato to One Direction, who were scheduled to play a concert outside the studio later on, and declared it the Official 1D potato.
The boys were game, snapping a photo of the spud, and uploading it to their Instagram account, without any explanation. Within minutes, the potato was famous, having already garnered tens of thousands of likes from fans. The catch. Like most talk shows, Jimmy Kimmel Live is taped ahead of airtime. The boys’ followers had no idea what was going on.
One Direction Performs New Songs – GMA Livestream VIDEO
Jimmy continued to check on the status of the potato’s likes. Even guest stars like Melissa McCarthy, got in on the fun, taking a selfie with the little guy. As of now the potato photo has 600K+ likes. As the OFFICIAL 1D POTATO, it got its very own Instagram account and has over 130K followers.
Let me remind you. IT’S A FREAKING POTATO PEOPLE! I’m probably just jealous.
Watch One Direction and Jimmy Kimmel introduce the Official 1D Potato!
And as a super-special bonus: Jimmy couldn’t resist playing some “Lie Witness News” with some fans waiting outside for the concert to begin. Q: What do you think of One Direction adding a potato as the fifth member of the band? A: That’s not very smart.