This story is literally breaking. Mariah Carey spoke to Barbara Walters this morning by phone, which aired on The View. Soon after, Nicki Minaj went on a twitter rant, which is still ongoing.
ETA: So Mariah Carey aired Idol dirty laundry and accused Nicki Minaj of threatening to shoot her on The View this morning. Nicki is furious. To be honest, I don’t blame her. But she’s making it worse by venting on twitter.
This very public catfight between two women is so UGLY to watch. It calls up too many awful sexist and racist stereotypes. ME NO LIKEY. It’s going to ruin the show. FIRE EVERYONE AND START FROM SCRATCH NIGEL.
From ABC News:
Mariah Carey Claims Nicki Minaj Said She’d ‘Shoot Her’ Over ‘Idol’ Feud
“American Idol” judge Mariah Carey says multiple people heard fellow
judge Nicki Minaj say, “If I had a gun, I would shoot the b***h” after
launching a curse-filled rant at Carey during an “Idol” audition, Barbara Walters said on “The View” today after interviewing Carey.Carey told Walters, who conducted the interview this morning before
the show, that she “doesn’t feel comfortable emotionally” but will
continue with the show and has hired extra security.Carey, 42, told Walters the altercation between the judges began when
they disagreed on a contestant’s audition Tuesday in Charlotte, N.C.The judges had a meeting with producers Wednesday to discuss the
altercation. After the meeting, Minaj told Carey, “I love you but we
might fight again,” to which Carey responded, “No, we will not,” Walters
said.Minaj’s representatives did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Here’s Nicki responding not only to Mariah, but to Idol producers as well. She’s REALLY pissed at Mariah. I’ll be adding the tweets as they appear.