Milestones this week from the very first season and the very last season.
First up is original Idol winner, Kelly Clarkson. Her “Mr. Know it All”, like so many of her previous singles, achieved number 1 on the HAC chart. There is no song with a bullet anywhere near her song in spins, so she may be able to hold onto the position through the Christmas freeze.
Next up is a duet from Season 10 contestants Haley Reinhart and Casey Abrams. Their version of “Baby It’s Cold Outside” has rocketed up the AC chart from 72nd last week to 39th this week. This is the first time that either has been on the airplay charts and their first week they hit top 40! Way to go!
Casey James:
“Let’s Don’t Call it a Night” ^35 Country (36)
“Crawling Back To You”: ^7 HAC (8), 35 AC (34), ^47 Pop (47)
“Renegade”: 29 Rock (28)
David Cook:
“Fade Into Me”: ^34 HAC (34)
Glee Cast:
“Jingle Bells” ^45 AC (48)
Haley Reinhart/Casey Abrams:
“Baby It’s Cold Outside”: ^39 AC (72)
James Durbin:
“Stand Up”: ^47 Active Rock (46)
Jennifer Hudson:
“I Got This”: ^26 UAC (27)
Kelly Clarkson:
“Don’t You Wanna Stay”: ^21 AC (19)
“Mr. Know It All”: ^1 HAC (1), 17 AC (15), ^11 Pop (11)
Lauren Alaina:
“Georgia Peaches”: ^40 Country (40)
“Waiting for Tomorrow”: 14 CAC (12)
Scotty McCreery:
“The Trouble With Girls”: ^26 Country (29)
Note: Numbers indicate position on the chart while numbers in brackets indicate the position on the chart the previous week. The “^” (aka “a bullet”) indicates that a song gained spins since last week
This is the daily numbers thread for Monday. Stats collected on Sunday evening.