Layla Springs Shares About Tough Times After American Idol (Video)

Layla Spring Post American Idol Interview

Layla Spring, the spunky country singer from Kentucky who auditioned for American Idol Season 16 with her little sister, talks with WHAS TV news about tough times after competing on the show in 2018.

The singer shared how her life completely changed after her audition aired on TV. She never dreamed she could win the show. Her first goal was to get a Golden Ticket, which she did. 

“The main thing I wanted to do…on American Idol was just get this,” she said holding up her Golden Ticket. “I wanted to win but that wasn’t reachable to me at the time. I just didn’t believe that I could do it. When I got this golden ticket the whole thing just changed.”

Layla made it to the live show before being eliminated at the Top 24. But even so, she felt like her journey was just beginning. “I was up here,” she said gesturing above her head. “I was on cloud nine. I was living my dream and you know, I still am it’s just not as close to me. It seems a little bit further away. It was in the palm of my hand whenever I got out of Idol.”

A record Layla recorded in Nashville led to disappointment

In the three years since she competed on season 16, much has happened. It’s been hard. For instance, she “poured her heart” into a record produced in Nashville that didn’t turn out the way she had hoped. And it didn’t lead to a tour like the producers promised.

“It was a huge setback for me for sure because we had so much hope and these producers that we [were] working with in Nashville said that they were going to help me succeed and get on the road,” Layla shared. “Well that didn’t work out.” After that disappointing experience, Layla recorded an independent single, “Another You.”

A single Layla released went nowhere

“It was such a dream come true to finally  get my own music out and tell my own story,” Layla said. But the single, unfortunately, didn’t catch on. She said that it felt like a second blow. “‘Another You’ didn’t really go as I planned either,” she said. But then, in 2019, American Idol reached out to Layla again. The singer called it just the “boost” she needed.

American Idol brought her back…but not for long

For season 18, she participated in a “bring back” promo. She was one of three contestants who were cut in previous ABC seasons who performed on the American Music Awards for a shot in Hollywood. She won America’s vote, but was never highlighted on the show again.

Afterward, she ended back in Kentucky with her parents on their family farm. Nevertheless, she still has big hopes and dreams. “I don’t want to just stay right here, that’s for sure!”  

Layla has over 100K followers on Tik Tok

However, there are bright spots. Layla spends much of her time recording videos for Tik Tok, where she has over 100K followers. Social media has been her life line, especially during the pandemic. 

“This pandemic has really taught me…do what you love, you only get one life. Why spend it doing something that you don’t really love.”

Layla become tearful, but hasn’t given up hope

Layla became tearful as she shared how American Idol gave her confidence. “Before American Idol, I didn’t believe in myself. I didn’t believe that I had it. But now American Idol has changed my life forever and I will  forever be so grateful for it.”

She said her goal is to be playing a sold-out show at Madison Square Garden in five years. But in the short term, she’s just excited about getting back on the stage. Laila has a show planned in her hometown later this year. 

Watch the interview below. 

About mj santilli 35180 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!