What a show!!!. First off I need to preface this as I am a Kris, Allison and Adam fan. If any of these three won, I was going to be happy.
So my two friends and I descended to Jobing.com arena eager to see a great concert. We are the 35+ girls and I am definitely the bigger AI fan as I have watched every season. So after dinner at Margaritaville (which my friend Tracie later remarked she wished she had a few margaritas, more on that later). So interesting restaurant, never seen balloon twisters on stilts wearing “naughty” pirate costumes. I am seriously not making this up, but it was entertaining as the “dancing” Poptarts were not present at the concert this year.
So we get through the door, I get the typical Security guard comment “you brought a suitcase” haha, not funny. How else was I going to carry a few snacks, camera, smelling salts to revive women who pass out (jk), 3 cell phones for Rickey’s cellcast (yeah, sorry about the “tunnel, under water with static sound”) and more stuff than you will ever need to know. So I got my program, my friends looking in disbelief that I am spending $25. I just politely tell them I bought it to read the articles not just look at the pictures, just like Playgirl. And who happens to read the whole program (uh huh)….foolish spending you say??? So discussion on who would look the best with their shirt off, I have to go with Kris. So we get to our seats – 2 row in the upper corner. They aren’t too bad, I was expecting to do the squint for the bugs on stage view. I figured I know who was who on by their bugginess: Sarver – beetle (husky bug), Megan – stick bug (thin chick), Scott – caterpillar (fuzzy hair), Lil – Bumble bee (bouncy girl) , Anoop – fly (I’m so Fly), Matt – cricket (Riff Boy), Allison – ladybug (red/black and so not a lady), Danny – praying mantis (no explanation required), Adam – early hairstreak butterfly( Blue/Black and glittery all over), Kris – inch worm (so cute and cuddly).
So good crowd – yes there was screaming everytime Adam’s picture was shown. Agree with the previous comments about the re-run videos, I like a little more variety in my viewing diet.
So the show is starting…got the cell phone going for Rickey’s cellcast. I am constantly reminding myself, do not scream near the phone – don’t want to be one of those “crazy” people. Hmm…Read Mjsbigblog and Rickey.org everyday for Kris, Adam and Allison news; read all comments at Mjsbigblog and Rickey.org; watch Rickey’s cellcast; read Kradam stuff (did I just admit that?);bought tickets to the show and a $25 program – yeah I’m not crazy. It’s not like I had a shirt or anything (kicks self for not making the Kradison shirt once again).
So first up Michael, not bad…not good. Just ok for me dawg. But he is just so happy to be here so I can’t stop grinning….oh crap, my jaw hurts now.
Next is Megan, she is so pretty just like a real life Barbie doll. Too bad she can’t sing like the Barbie does on DVD. I look over to see my friend Tracie putting her fingers in her ears. Let’s just say Megan is quirky and interesting, but has the voice of nails on a chalkboard to my friend. This is where the margaritas would have come in handy, everything is better in Margaritaville. Tracie’s fingers in ears would repeat everytime Megan sang…haha.
Alrighty it is now Scott’s turn. So on the show I typically was not a fan. But he is a funny guy and the songs weren’t bad. I saw 2 signs for him earlier when I got into the arena, so that was nice. No, my inner snark is not coming out, Scott has enough for both of us on the second song.
So here comes Lil – according to the screen. Ok, admit it, you can’t just say Lil. It has to be Lil Rounds. Go on, try – it just isn’t the same. So Lil Rounds is out and singing to the rafters, and above. She is not bad, she just doesn’t own the songs. Will she have a future, don’t know, but I wish her the best.
ANOOP is in the house. My friend Pam goes “how rude of them booing”. I explain it’s “ANOOP” and so sounds like booing but it isn’t. So Anoop is sexy, geeky and cool. How about that for an oxymoron. My friends didn’t think much of him on the show or think he was that cute. Amazing how some good songs change that perception. Tracie blurts out “he is kind of hot and can he move”. Yep, new Anoop fans. He also mentioned to hopfully solo tour in a year or so, I hope so too.
Matt is out now – man, why wasn’t he like this on the show? The first song is awesome and can the man play a piano or what? The nerves and stress must have gotten to him, because he seriously was great. Loved Georgia too, but the third song has got to go. He just doesn’t sound the same but hopefully he will get a deal.
Group number – more fingers in ears for Tracie while Pam and I just laugh. Yeah Megan, I think you need to take a modeling job – stat. The rest sounded good but not sure on the Begging song, it just seems a little desperate some how.
Intermission – end call with Rickey. Now bathroom break – no line? What?? I figure reverse psychology at it’s best – the lines will be so long that we won’t make it back in time. So no one went, worked out good for me.
ALLISON!!!!! You go girl. Yeah you are a Rockstar!! This girl is going to be BIG and I can’t wait. Second song is awesome….who the heck is calling my phone. Oh Rickey, I’m guessing it’s you and leaving the phone on. Baracuda…..oh heck, yeah, rock it girl!!! Love her set and completely wowed by her talent. I am so getting her record.
Danny is up next. So what to say..the first two songs, did not like him singing them. I liked Danny’s third song, but it has so much innuendo in it I can’t be a fan too much. Then the testifying began….Is it weird I though about saying “hallulejah”, “amen” and “glory be” all at once? So Danny may become a country singer. That will be interesting. “My Wish” for him is to be happy in life.
ADAM!!!!! Ok, this guy can move and sing. The crowd is going nuts. My friends weren’t big fans of his on the show, but they are impressed. He has so much star power it isn’t funny. I liked all of his numbers but really love “Starlight”. I see him being a huge success on doing some Muse like sound – I would definitely buy it. Now about some of the risque moves – it had one of my friends “blushing” which is pretty funny. No women swooning or fainting which is good. I can’t see my “female revival bag” anyways. Cutest crowd stuff – a boy about 12 dancing like Adam on WLL a few sections over. he wasn’t getting groove and too cute!
KRIS!!!! so starting off things in a different way with Heartless after Adam rocked the house. I love this guy and that he is so sure of himself. He is a great musician and singer and I get tired of people saying he can’t sing – his lower registry is just too dang sexy. Love All these Things I Have Done and Bright Lights. Based on these choices I have high hopes that he will have a great album and I will be buying it for sure.
Final group number – I love this song. It’s cheesy but who cares. A little Kradam dancing brings back fond memories of Mavid. And it’s over. Hi Rickey….Can’t hear you…..Bye…..
I would like to see this concert again, but it is not in the cards for now. I will just have to wait for some solo tours.
So out to the car – wait in the lot for 30 mins to get out. So the girls and I have a discussion on what the future holds for some of these young people. I hope for the best for Kris, Allison and Adam. And sending some hope out to Anoop and Matt too. This really turned out to be a good group and I actually thought it was going to be the worse year ever on AI. Looking forward to Season 9 and hopeful for the future.
So if you were thinking on going, go. You will have a blast, but make sure to bring earplugs and for some of you, smelling salts….