Kelly Clarkson Joins the Twitterverse!

Welcome Kelly Clarkson to Twitter!

You can follow her at @Kelly_Clarkson.

Kelly’s first two tweets:

I promised a few people I would try this twitter thing out. I make no promises, however, that I will say anything worth reading :)

Note that I made some changes ..because having your album cover as your picture ..well, that’s a sure sign of a tool ….new pic coming soon

Hee Love Kelly! Nope, it’s not a fake. It was confirmed by her manager…

Kelly blogs about her new twitter (and the Cowboys game she attended):

Thanks dv and anne chantal

So I promised some people that I would try out twitter this year. I have been avoiding it like the black plague but I will try it out :) It’s not that I’m against twitter or blogging. I just can’t fathom why anyone would care enough about what I have to say ….BUT what I find annoying/ridiculous/really sad for humanity is when people pretend that they’re me on all these different sites. I mean, seriously?! What kind of pathetic person goes around impersonating other people and having full on conversations as if they have somehow coached themselves into thinking they are actually me. I promise all of you, I’m not that interesting. If you want to impersonate someone, aim higher for the love of all that is holy :) I just twittered for the first time today and just so everyone knows, my ‘real’ twitter is ‘kelly_clarkson’.

On a completely separate note, I went to the Cowboys game today at the new stadium and had a lot of fun with my mom, sis, and a few friends. I don’t know why I said Cowboys game in that last sentence …what I should have said was “I went to the Eagles massacre today” because they didn’t even score! That’s really sad. hahaha GO COWBOYS!!!!

Check out some unplugged Kelly, featuring some nifty covers and NEW songs HERE.

About mj santilli 35055 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!