There are lots of articles out there pulling quotes from a radio interview Carrie Underwood did over the weekend. She was a guest on the show Grecosize, a fitness program on the station Team 1200, out of Ottawa, the home of her hockey player fiance, Mike Fisher.
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On her engagement, Carrie says, “The night it happened we had to call everybody quickly because we knew the news would get out pretty quick and within two hours someone had texted Mike and it was like, ‘Yeah, your little secret is out.'”
She says the first few years of marriage will be difficult with their schedules, but anticipates spending time with Mike during the summer off-season
Appearing on a fitness show meant lots of talk about her fitness routine. On tour, Carrie doesn’t do catering–she goes shopping when she hits decent sized towns. She’s a vegetarian, and it can be a challenge, but her love for animals makes the effort worthwhile.
Carrie struggles with her weight, “Once I got out of high school I packed on about 10 pounds, and once I was on American Idol I packed on another 10 pounds, ” says Carrie, “I’m a little person, I’m 5-3, and I was about 130.”
“I carry all my stress weight, all my potato chip weight, ” she adds, “Around my mid section. You’ve got to fight genetics sometimes.”
Carrie’s New Year’s resolution is to keep centered. Between her tour, recording and television/movie opportunities, plus the wedding, she’s got a lot going on.
“I’ll be praying for patience, ” she says.
A few more tidbits: Mike has been a big help with the wedding planning, and Carrie would love to foster or adopt a kid at some point.