Kanye Gets High, Rants Incoherently on VMAs (VIDEO)


It was a sweet moment, when Taylor Swift presented the Vanguard Award to Kanye West on the MTV Video Music awards Sunday night. She even incorporated the “Imma gonna let you finish” line from that notorious moment 6 years ago when Kanye snatched Taylor’s VMA right out of her hand! But if you were expecting a gracious acceptance speech from Kanye…think again.

Taylor Swift Presents Video Vanguard Award to Kanye West

Instead, he went on a rambly, rangey rant, explaining away past behaviors AGAIN, complaining about awards, blah blah blahing about the integrity of artists (meanwhile, he’s married into one of the tackiest, most cravenly commercial families in showbusiness).  We get it Kanye! No need to over explain. We don’t care. He kinda ruined the moment.

Still whining about his friends not winning awards…yet insisting awards don’t mean anything. And the continuing martyrdom, self-indulgence and self pity. STOP IT.

Blame it on the pot tho. Kanye admitted he got high before the show. Also said he was running for president in 2020. Wish he was throwing his hat in the ring now. Can you imagine a debate between Kanye and Donald Trump? It would be like dying and going to heaven.

About mj santilli 35048 Articles
Founder and editor of mjsbigblog.com, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!