Six acts from five different reality competition shows checking in this week. Canadian Idol’s Jacob Hoggard is the lead singer of Hedley who made $186K in Kingston Ontario. BGT’s most famous runner-up, Susan Boyle tours the South with concerts in Durham, Clearwater, Jacksonville and Melbourne. They’ve right-sized her tour at 2K with Durham and Melbourne selling out and the other two concerts above 90%. So You Think You Can Dance is on tour and they performed for 3,253 in Montreal – Idol and The Voice would be happy with those numbers these days. Season 11 Idol Winner Phillip Phillips headlined in Durham on November 2nd and Season 8 Idol Winner Kris Allen opened for a sold-out Boyce Avenue concert in Chicago. X-Factor’s Cher Lloyd was in Baltimore.
Taylor Swift famously yanked her songs from Spotify a few weeks ago claiming they don’t pay enough. This has started a bit of a PR War. Aloe Blacc talked to WIRED about the situation last week about the low pay-outs to song-writers from streaming sites. A million spins on Pandora will earn the song-writers just $90. “Wake Me Up” has yielded 168M streams in the and that has resulted in $12,359 in Pandora royalties (it is unclear if the 168M includes Spotify streams and what they paid). Jason Aldean has joined Taylor in pulling his album. Spotify has shot back with a blog post stating they’ve paid $2B in royalties (seems they combine domestic and international royalties). Taylor has had her manager respond with an article in BB talking about how she only earned $496,044 in Royalties from Spotify last year. Fun with statistics.
March 8, 2014: Kingston, Ontario: Rogers K-Rock Centre: 3,985 of 4,769 (84%): $185,814
Susan Boyle
Oct. 29, 2014: Durham, N.C.: Durham Performing Arts Center: 2,712 of 2,712 (SOLD-OUT): $169,047
Nov. 1, 2014: Clearwater, Fla.: Ruth Eckerd Hall: 2,120 of 2,144 (99%): $152,956
Nov. 6, 2014: Jacksonville, Fla.: Times-Union Center for the Performing Arts, Moran Theatre: 1,867 of 2,054 (91%): $125,724
Nov. 2, 2014: Melbourne, Fla.: Maxwell C. King Center for the Performing Arts: 1,955 of 1,955 (SOLD-OUT): $124,366
So You Think You Can Dance Tour
Oct. 27, 2014: Montreal, Quebec: Bell Centre: 3,253 of 3,920 (83%): $152,444
Phillip Phillips, Saints of Valory
Nov. 2, 2014: Durham, N.C.: Durham Performing Arts Center: 1,538 of 2,468 (62%): $76,131
Boyce Avenue, Kris Allen, Curtis Peoples
Nov. 1, 2014: Chicago, Ill.: The Vic: 1,400 of 1,400 (SOLD-OUT): $31,100
Cher Lloyd, Jackson Harris
April 3, 2014: Baltimore, Md.: Rams Head Live!: 416 of 700 (59%): $9,207