Slipknot has the number one album of the week (for their second time). Pentatonix has yet another top 10 album with their latest Christmas album “That’s Christmas to Me”. This will no doubt add another BB number one to their quiver. Susan Boyle churns out some more money for Simon with “Hope” opening at 16th.
The big news, though, is going to be Taylor Swift. She reportedly sold 600K on her fast day and is on track to debut “1989” with 1M in sales. To illustrate how big that is in this crapastic album market, Forbes recently reported that as of October 16th, only one album had sold more than a million units this year (guess which one? Let me give you a hint): Jimmy Kimmel gives tips on how to survive the coming Elsapocolypse. Swift will probably be able to catch up to “Frozen” for album of the 2014 year (though she doesn’t have time to catch them for the Billboard year)). That’s pretty sad. They are going to have to change the definition of platinum if album sales can’t reach that high.
I’ve predicted this for weeks, but surely this must be the week that Taylor returns to the top of the Hot 100. Meghan has been making up for lost sales and spins by killing it on youtube and streaming, but Taylor is likely to return to the top this week (probably to lose it next week when all those “complete my album” sales send her “Shake it Off” sales into negative territory). That’s probably some kind of record for the number of weeks between topping the Hot 100 with the same song. If “All About the Bass” hadn’t been such a dominant song, Taylor would have been topping the Hot 100 for like 10 weeks.
It’s clear that Taylor doesn’t have Country fans or Pop fans, she has Taylor fans. Good on her for creating a brand. And Kelly’s right, she can write a hook.
This is the weekly sales thread. Please post number as you find them. Thanks