American Idol 14 Hollywood Week! Judges Ready For Show’s New Season
“American Idol” judges Jennifer Lopez, Keith Urban, Harry Connick Jr., and host Ryan Seacrest, chat with Access Hollywood’s Liz Hernandez before Hollywood Week auditions at the Orpheum in Los Angeles. Why do they think they all work together so well? Plus, what does Jennifer have to say about possibly signing a residency deal in Las Vegas? (Jlo stays mum). Ryan talks about keeping Taylor Swift’s secrets. Because how can you not talk about Taylor. She’s like the thing that’s everywhere.
And the 411 on this years talent. OF COURSE IT’S THE VERY BEST EVAH! When Liz mentions that the superstar talent has been missing since the days of Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood, Jennifer becomes a little defensive and gives a shout out to Phillip Phillips as if to say HEY WE FOUND TALENT IN OUR SEASON TOO! Even if it was 3 years ago. OK. She DIDN’T say that last part. But you know.
According the Jlo, superstars are just around the corner! “I think we learned a lot last season, that was our first time kind of working together” she says, “We had a real great turnout of talent this year. Probably even better than last year.” Keith nods his head in agreement.
“When you have more to choose from,” Jennifer continues, “It makes it a little bit easier to find a superstar.” The singer further reminds us that finding a “superstar” isn’t easy, “That type of thing doesn’t come along…Michael Jackson doesn’t come along every day.” Whoa girl. Idol has never found an MJ level superstar and probably never will. But lulz to the “more talented people tried out this year” excuse for why the last season was such a bust. “Casting sucked” would be more like it, don’t you think?
Watch the video below.