Idol Headlines for 7/27/14

The final week of “Duels” take place on Rising Star tonight. Get your phone app ready to vote as we live blog the performances. 9/8c PM ABC.

Tonight on Big Brother: Who will Frankie and Zach nominate for eviction? And who will win Battle of the Block? Watch for Krista’s recap. 8/7c PM CBS.

Two roads to ‘American Idol’ and then to tour – “When you go into something like that (“American Idol”), it’s no sweat off your back. If you’ve really experienced it, then you know exactly what you’re getting into and you go and do it. You know exactly how to handle it when those experiences come. But if you’re kind of green and you don’t know, yeah, you’re going to be freaking out.” Irene’s path onto “American Idol” was far less calculated. Literally a week before she auditioned for season 13 in her home town of Detroit, “American Idol” wasn’t even remotely in her thoughts. “I had watched the show awhile back,” Irene said in a recent phone interview. “So I knew what it was about and everything. But I had never thought about auditioning for it. I mean, I was always in a band.” – Read more at

Keith Urban Fans Taken to Hospital During Massachusetts Concert – Emergency service workers from six towns responded to numerous reports of illness at a Keith Urban concert in Mansfield, Mass. Officials said alcohol consumption was the likely cause. Ambulances arrived from Eaton, Foxboro, Mansfield, North Attleboro, Norton and Plainville to help private ambulances services at the Saturday night (July 26) concert at the Xfinity Center, which is located about 35 miles southwest of Boston. At about 9 p.m., Mansfield fire officials declared a mass casualty incident at the concert venue, which typically indicates a large number of people with potential illnesses or injuries. – Read more at

Jennifer Hudson: the only constant is my voice – “If I close my eyes,” Jennifer Hudson says, closing her eyes, “I can almost remember what it was like, what I was like, 15 years ago. I was at home in Chicago, still in high school, singing in church, living with my family.” She opens her bright brown eyes again, stares straight at me to answer my question. “But generally, no, it feels like another Jennifer life. I don’t look the same. I’m a mother now. So many things have changed. I sometimes think the only constant is my voice. That hasn’t gone away.” – Read more at The Guardian

Video: Homecoming Celebration Held for Miss Mississippi 2014 – COLUMBUS, Miss. (WCBI) — Columbus native Jasmine Murray was recently crowned Miss Mississippi. Now the community is honoring Jasmine as she prepares to compete in the Miss America pageant. Jasmine Murray captivated the crowd as she performed at her homecoming celebration hosted at MUW. “It’s an honor and a privilege to have a product of the city of Columbus represent the state of Mississippi,” says Columbus Mayor Robert Smith. Murray was crowned Miss Mississippi on July 12th. She mentors young girls and hosts motivational camps to encourage self esteem and goal setting. – See the Video at

About mj santilli 35180 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!