Idol Headlines for 2/15/09

‘American Idol’ Alumni Justin Guarini Planning Summer Wedding

“American Idol” Season 1 runner-up Justin Guarini is getting married.

The curly haired singer-turned-presenter confirmed he is set to tie the knot later this year with his fiancee, Reina, while stepping out to support the opening of the “American Idol” Experience at Disney’s Hollywood Studios this past week.

“I am, yeah, ” Justin told Access Hollywood.

And it was actually on the Disney grounds in Orlando that Justin proposed to his ladylove.

“I actually got engaged here in Disney, while I was working on the ‘American Idol’ Experience, ” he said.

Justin plans to tying the knot over the summer and it’s a prospect he is thrilled about.

“I’m getting married in July and I just couldn’t be happier, ” Justin added.

Access Hollywood

More Idol Headlines after the JUMP…

Albemarle Idols

While Elizabeth City native Ricky Braddy prepares to compete as one of the 36 chosen few on the eighth season of the mega-hit reality TV show American Idol, the Albemarle region can boast at least two more Idol hopefuls that didnt make it, but might one day try again.

Hertford native Michelle Rogers, 23, and Northeastern High School senior Ethan Clark, 17, put their talent on the line at two separate Idol auditions, and both fared well, one making it through five rounds of auditions, while the other made it in front of judges Simon Cowell and Randy Jackson.


Phelan teen on ‘American Idol’

Serrano High School junior Stevie Wright of Phelan is a singer.

On Tuesday night she could be one step closer to her dream of becoming the next “American Idol.”

The 17-year-old will sing in front of millions of television viewers as one of the popular program’s top 36 semifinalists.

Of course, she’s been a bit nervous, she says.

“It was the most nerve-wracking when they brought us up into the four rooms and came in and had us convinced we were going home. Then they said, `You made it, you made it.”‘

Beautiful words for Stevie, who’s been passionate about singing since she was a toddler.

“I’ve been singing since I was little, little, little, and taking voice lessons, ” says Stevie, who sings in a band with her youth group at church.

Local hopeful may stay awhile

“American Idol” could just save a few steps and start holding auditions in Tulsa.

I mean, we’ve been so generous as to give them winners Carrie Underwood and David Cook (shut up, Kansas City), and fantastic finalists such as Melinda Doolittle and Alaina Whitaker.

Now we’ve provided them Matt Breitzke, the Bixby welder who’s likely to win fans with his smooth voice and sweet story.

Tulsa World

Remote Controlled : Taylor Hicks is coming to town as Teen Angel in ‘Grease’

Tucson Soul Patrol, your time has come.

Taylor Hicks, the silver-haired champion on season five of “American Idol, ” is taking it to the Tucson Music Hall as part of a national touring production of the classic musical “Grease.”

Hicks’ role is a modest one. He plays Teen Angel, the heavenly crooner who serenades Frenchy with an amped-up version of “Beauty School Dropout.”

But his mere presence in the revival has meant big bucks for “Grease” producers.


Sanjaya still entertains some ‘Idol’ fans

It the one name that even the toughest …American Idol detractors couldnt avoid:


The sixth season of the reality TV show practically turned upside down with the arrival of Sanjaya Malakar, a 17-year-old singer who attracted lukewarm reactions from the judges but wooed TV voters with his eclectic performances and hairstyles.

The singer ‘  who like Madonna, mainly goes on a first-name-only basis ‘  ultimately finished seventh.

The stars came out for the grand opening of DHS’s new “American Idol Experience” attraction

Jeff Lange shares some of the photographs that he took from alongside the blue carpet at Thursday night’s event

Jim Hill Media

About mj santilli 35187 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!