Glee Season 4 – “Makeover” Preview and BTS (VIDEO)

In “Makeover”, this week’s Glee episode, Kurt Hummel (Chris Colfer) interviews (and lands!) an internship at in New York City. Watch his interview with the editor, Isabelle, played by Sarah Jessica Parker. The origin of some of Kurt’s craziest outfits are reveled here! Check out the preview below.

Once Kurt and Isabelle join forces, they get to work making over Kurt’s roomie, Rachel (Lea Michele).

Click to Watch “Celebrity Skin” Full Performance from “Makeover”
Click to Listen to the Songs from “Makeover”

In the meantime, over in Lima, Sam (Chord Overstreet) undergoes his own “makeover”, as Blaine gets him ready for a debate as his running mate for Senior Class President against Artie (Kevin McHale) who will run alongside candidate Brittany (Heather Morris).

The super-senior is looking to be McKinley High President two years running, even though, other than planning the Dino-riffic senior prom, she did nothing to earn another term… Check Darren Chris and Chord Overstreet talking about “Makeover” in a behind-the-scenes video.

Kurt Interviews for Vogue.Com

“Makeover” BTS with Darren and Chord

About mj santilli 35184 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!