Gina Glocksen performs Pink’s “Who Knew” at the final Idol concert in Manchester NH:
When the Idol tour came to an end last Sunday night, Gina Glocksen was extremely emotional. She wasn’t at the after party m&g Sunday night. Perhaps she was too upset to show? Or maybe her family, including her fiance Joe, had a private celebration elsewhere…
At any rate, Gina performed two pop songs–Pink’s “Who Knew” as a solo, “Thnks fr th mmrs” Gah! What’s wrong with vowels! with Chris Sligh, a country number with Phil Stacey, and then she vamped it up with the gals on the R&B “Lady Marmalade” (with feathers) and “Ain’t No Other Man” (with top hat). Like Chris Richardson, she seems to be able to slide in and out of different genres pretty easily.
Where to now? There was some talk about a part in the musical “Rent”, but Gina has said she’d really like to make an album. According to Chris Sligh’s blog, he’ll be producing a project for her, at which point, there is an option to release an album independently…