Full Circle – Brooke White Blogs

When Brooke White writes a blog…she doesn’t dash off a few words, she sits down to compose a lengthy essay. Her latest is no exception. Her latest is a meditation on what it was like to come back to perform at the Wachovia center in Philadelphia Wednesday night as one of the Idols. Just a year before she had sat in the upper reaches of the arena waiting to audition.

I’ve got one suggestion, however. The white teeny-tiny fonts on light blue background is not cutting it! I have to highlight the entire post to read it. But, it’s worth it. Check out this excerpt:

It was around 3:30 am when we pulled into Philadelphia on our buses and made our way up to the hotel rooms. As I was trying to fall back asleep for a few hours before the day began, I found myself not able to shut down my mind, as usual. As I looked at my iphone, I noticed the date, we are in August of 2008. That is when I had the crazy realization that It was almost exactly a year ago to the date that I had taken that red eye flight alone from Arizona to Philadelphia to embark on a journey that little did I know was going to dramatically change my life. That morning I had a little time and decided to take a walk around the city. I walked passed the quaint hotel that I stayed in during the audition week. I went back to the Anthropologie where I had last year spent quiet time sitting and thinking in a beautiful floral chair anxiously and nervously anticipating what the future would bring. I then made my way past a shoe store that I had noticed a pair of vintage looking boots handcrafted of fine italian leather, except this time I went inside and tried them on… that’s when I looked at my watch and realized it was time to check out, grab my bags and make my way to the bus, I went to take off the boots only to find the zipper completely stuck and tangled up in the nylon sock I had on underneath them, I started to panic both in fear of missing the bus, and having to buy the boots, they were awesome, however the were over $500… Long story long, I was able to break free, I made it on the bus, oh and I did not buy the boots:)

More after the Jump…

We then traveled a short distance to the venue, Wachovia Stadium, my starting place. When we arrived I walked out to the parking lot to meet and greet the fans, the very same parking lot where I stood in line in the darkness of the early morning at 4:30 am. After press and the indoor meet and greet, we were standing on the stage for soundcheck and thats when it really hit me. That night as I was waiting underneath the stage to make my entrance on the piano for my set, I could hear Carly sing “I drove all night”, I turned to one of the crew members and said “this is where it all began”… Suddenly I felt a surge of excitement and nervousness to get on that stage and perform. Right after I had finished Let it Be, I turned and pointed to the very top of the stadium in section 221A where I had waited nearly twenty hours for my audition for American Idol, and I said, “and to think that in a years time, I have gone from sitting up there to performing here on this stage, is very surreal”… Truly I felt overwhelmed, and grateful for this unbelievable experience that had in fact come FULL CIRCLE !! Wow, I’ve said it before, and it won’t be the last time, I can’t believe that I have come this far, that I have been blessed with such an opportunity! It has been a journey both amazing and challenging… I am thankful to all who helped me to make it possible. There are still somedays that I find myself unsure of my own abilities to arise to the challenges that come with fulfilling your dreams, but I am filled with gratitude for faith, family, friends and fans that provide me with strength and the support that I need to keep on moving! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you…

Read the entire blog here.

About mj santilli 35048 Articles
Founder and editor of mjsbigblog.com, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!