Louis is from Amsterdam. He left because he thought he wanted to do Broadway. But he ended up teaching some of our other pros. Paula’s issue for me is the same as it has been since her first dance. She has issues with remembering her steps which results in her holding on so tight to Louis. He has to guide her, which is fine, but it ends up looking weird. She looks scared at times. She did some nice tango steps but I watch with fear that she is going to lose it at any moment.

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Carrie Ann calls Paula sexy. She says Paula made some mistakes. She wants her to nail the choreography. Julianne says Paula showed sass and she loved it. But yes, a couple of mistakes. Bruno wants to keep boiling but not boil over. He wants her to keep from forgetting steps.
Carrie Ann- 6
Julianne- 6
Bruno- 6
Total: 18/30