Dancing With The Stars Season 9 – The Finals! – VIDEO

Once again, Mya kicked everyone’s ass out on the dance floor tonight. Mya deserves to win, but I think Donny is going to take it all. He dances well enough, he’s got personality, and I’ll bet the older female demo remembers his teen Idol days.

Kelly has come amazingly far, considering the competition, but her score isn’t high enough to compete with Donny or Mya. She’s certainly gone farther than I ever imagined she would.

I’m sticking with my prediction that Donny Osmond is going to win it all.

Tomorrow, the dancers perform one more time for the judges, who will add more points to their score. At the end of the finale tomorrow, the winner will be announced.


Donny received a 30 for his entertaining freestyle, Mya 30 for her impeccable paso doble.

Recap and Videos after the JUMP…

Mya, Donny Osmond and Kelly Osbourne compete in the finals tonight! Each will perform 3 dances. Who will win the coveted mirror ball trophy?

The judges visit each of the contestants in rehearsal

Kelly and Louis – Argentine Tango – Video package includes a retrospective of the stars’ dances over the season. Carrie Ann is Kelly’s mentor. Nice, elegant, very smooth and sophisticated, but she’s watching her feet too much. Nice choreo from Louis. Len says, “You epitomize what this is about… with perseverance you made it to the finals…Very very good.” Bruno says, “You have been the revelation of the season…but your free hand was a bit loose…needed more sensuality…but still very good.” Carrie Ann says, “There is an intimacy and connection…very sophisticated routine.” Carrie Ann – 9, Len – 9, Bruno – 8 – 261-800-868-3416VIDEO

Mya and Dmitry – Paso Doble – Ha ha. Len is their mentor. Pushing Mya to dance the paso with more aggression. Wow. Some impressive moves. Mya is awesome. She’s going to get a few 10s for this routine. Bruno says, “The power of mya….fearless” Carrie Ann says, “I dub you the queen of the Paso Doble…very hot”. Len says, “You come out and dance with no stress…it’s right up there [with his favorites]” Carrie Ann – 10, Len – 10, Bruno – 10 – 301-800-868-3411VIDEO

Donny and Kym – Cha cha cha – Bruno is mentoring and and appears to be very helpful! Ugh Donny, still pulling those stupid faces. Dial it back dude. He’s no Mya, that’s for sure. Both Kelly and Mya are better dancers than Donny. Carrie Ann says, “Wow, what a breakthrough…you got those hips going…you missed a hand connection” Len says, “That was a cha cha cha…it’s a tough dance, you coped great.” Bruno says, “This guy is a credit to his profession, that is a star.” – Carrie Ann – 9, Len – 9, Bruno – 9 – 271-800-868-3405VIDEO

Next, the mega-mix group challenge – VIDEO

They dance the same choreography side by side. Long camera shots to take in all the action makes it hard to judge how each dancer is doing. Kind of a dumb idea.

Len says it’s difficult, there’s no clear winner. Bruno loves the way Mya sambas. He liked Kelly’s waltz. Carrie Ann says Donny kept up.

3rd place Kelly and Louis26, 2nd place – Donny and Kym28 – 1st place – Mya and Dmitry30

Next is the   Freestyle Round – The stars and their partners create their own dance.

Kelly and Louis – Kelly that sparkle dress? No. She looks like Tammy Faye Baker. OMG she fell on her ass. Erm. Her tango was so much better. She’s laughing at least. She prolly knows she doesn’t have a change to win. Bruno says she looks beautiful. Carrie Ann says she’s definitely a survivor. Len says, you smiled through it, I thoroughly enjoyed watching you. Sharon and Ozzie are in the audience. Carrie Ann – 8, Len – 8, Bruno – 8 – 24 – VIDEO

Mya and Dmitry – Mya doesn’t want to play it safe. “That trophy is mine!” she says. Well, it should be. Her freestyle isn’t as good as her Paso.   The ballroom dances are so much better than this random stuff. Carrie Ann says, “High energy, fun, but not outstanding to me.” Len says, “There was a sameness about it all.” Bruno says, “But you had all the vibrancy of the period….at this stage I was expecting something more spectacular.” No perfect score for Mya tonight! Carrie Ann – 9, Len – 9, Bruno – 9 – 27 VIDEO

Donny and Kym – They’ll be performing a Broadway routine. That’s perfect for Donny. The faces and jazz hands will fit right in. This is pretty good, and entertaining. Donny might get a perfect score. Len says, “That was a showstopper.” Bruno says, “Mr. show-business at his best.” Carrie Ann says, “Welcome to the hall of fame of the free-style” Carrie Ann – 10, Len – 10, Bruno – 10 – 30 – VIDEO

About mj santilli 35187 Articles
Founder and editor of mjsbigblog.com, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!