Dancing With The Stars Season 30 Britney Week Recap: Live Blog and Videos

DANCING WITH THE STARS - "Britney Night" - (ABC/Christopher Willard) JOJO SIWA, JENNA JOHNSON
(ABC/Christopher Willard) JOJO SIWA, JENNA JOHNSON

They’re so lucky (because) they are stars… who get to dance to Britney Spears songs tonight!

Tonight launches Dancing With The Stars’ first-ever Britney Night! Definitely a notable person of 2021, I’m not surprised DWTS is using Britney’s recent headlines to their advantage.

Not-so-lucky, however, are Cody and Cheryl. After Cheryl Burke’s COVID-19 diagnosis left them unable to perform live on last week’s show, “Peloton guy” Cody Rigsby revealed he has now tested positive as well. This is Cody’s second COVID-19 diagnosis this year, but thanks being vaccinated for his mild symptoms this time around.

But what does this mean for the dancing couple? Well, it was announced by GMA that Cody and Cheryl WILL be performing tonight, but from completely separate rooms from home…

I, as a former professional ballroom dancer and an avid DWTS fan, am extremely curious how the show plans to make this work. But I mean, it’s not impossible. The easiest way out? Jazz. Under the circumstances, Cody and Cheryl could definitely pull off a Jazz routine, dancing in sync while not having to be together, which is exactly what they plan to do tonight.

Last Monday, not enough viewers voted for their sensei… eliminating Martin Kove and partner Britt from the competition. Martin and Britt were joined in the bottom two surprisingly by Christine and Pasha (poor Pasha, he was left in the bottom two with partner Carole Baskin on Week 2 last season!). This season, however, Christine and Pasha weren’t as deserving of that almost-elimination, compared to couples like Jimmie and Emma or Iman and Daniella, who I suspect will be the next to go in the coming weeks.

Keep your favorite couples in the competition by voting throughout the show! Below is voting information for each contestant if you’re voting by text, or you can vote at ABC.com.

Text AMANDA to 21523
Text BRIAN to 21523
Text CHRISTINE to 21523
Text CODY to 21523
Text IMAN to 21523
Text JIMMIE to 21523
Text JOJO to 21523
Text KENYA to 21523
Text MATT to 21523
Text MELANIE to 21523
Text MELORA to 21523
Text MIZ to 21523
Text OLIVIA to 21523
Text SUNI to 21523

Kicking off tonight’s episode will all the Britney song puns! lol

I’m going to refrain from even commenting on Tyra’s outfit this week…

Tyra announces that Derek is sitting out tonight’s show due to a COVID-19 exposure. Sad because he usually brings the class to the judges’ table…

Amanda Kloots & Alan – Cha Cha Cha

This is going to be a night full of memorable themes and interesting costumes! Amanda whacks out those long legs again for a Cha Cha and does not disappoint. Again, it’s clear she’s more of a Broadway dancer than a ballroom dancer, but she’s danced to impress every week. And those splits! Wow!!

Len says she coped well, but this dance didn’t excite him. Bruno shouts some things and then compliments her legs but criticizes her hips. Carrie Ann calls Amanda stunning, but says she was lacking posture.

Carrie Ann- 8, Len- 8, Bruno- 8 = 24/30

Iman Shumpert & Daniella – Tango

Great Tango song, great Tango costumes, great Tango choreo! The only thing not so great was Iman… I’m sorry, I hate to be harsh, but all he did was walk across the floor… or maybe I can’t judge too hard considering a crucial few seconds of the dance were missed by viewers at home when there was a camera mishap.

Bruno says it was a solid piece of Tango and he appreciates Iman’s concentration. Carrie Ann says she didn’t expect that, but she didn’t like how hunched he was when out of hold. Len says Iman always comes out and gives it his all despite some footwork issues.

Carrie Ann- 7, Len- 6, Bruno- 6 = 19/30

Christine Chiu & Pasha – Paso Doble

Paso is not Christine’s dance, and it pains me to say it! I’ll admit, the second half of the dance was much better than the first. Christine thrived during this one whenever they were out of hold, and struggled whenever in hold, which is something I actually noticed last week. On a side note, “Stronger” is an unexpectedly great Paso song!

Carrie Ann cheers Christine on and says she has everything it takes to win the competition. Len says he was shocked to see her in the bottom two last week, then calls this dance terrific. Bruno says she went for it and was in charge of this dance.

Carrie Ann- 7, Len- 7, Bruno- 7 = 21/30

JoJo Siwa & Jenna – Argentine Tango

Matching outfits again… AND matching shoes?? But I can let it slide because that was fire!!! Look at JoJo and Jenna being their sexy selves on the dance floor!! (can I say that? JoJo’s over 18, right?) Anyway, that first shoulder roll and look at the camera alone… wow! Something I’m also realizing this season is what a phenomenal choreographer Jenna is… or maybe JoJo just brings it out in her.

Len criticizes some of the choreo, but tells JoJo she can’t make a bad performance. Bruno tells JoJo she knows how to hit it… but that he thinks she missed a step in the middle. Carrie Ann says she’s most impressed when JoJo leads.

Carrie Ann- 8, Len- 8, Bruno- 8 = 24/30

Kenya Moore & Brandon – Tango

I can’t decide whether I like those costumes or not, especially Brandon’s… But that aside, I think Kenya is impressing me the most this season. She is so in sync with Brandon, and their great partnership shows whether they’re in rehearsal, on the dance floor, or receiving judges’ comments. Also, props to Brandon on another round of great choreography!

Kenya screams when Bruno says, “You’re back on track!” and gushes over her performance. Carrie Ann says she gave off super model vibes, but there were a few wobbles. Len says she captured the flavor of the dance despite the issues with their hold.

Carrie Ann- 7, Len- 7, Bruno- 7 = 21/30

Brian Austin Green & Sharna – Tango

I see someone’s replaced those googly eyes with some fierce, Tango eyes! I wouldn’t call Tango Brian’s dance, but I’ve certainly seen worse. The background and props were also far too distracting. But overall, I would call this Brian’s best dance to date.

Carrie Ann says Brian has finally arrived in the ballroom! Len says his frame was good but his footwork was poor and that his right hand is “like a bunch of bananas…” Bruno says he has to perfect his footwork.

Carrie Ann- 7, Len- 6, Bruno- 6 = 19/30

Melora Hardin & Artem – Cha Cha Cha

The theme of the night seems to be the stars’ weakest dances… Melora just didn’t perfect that Cha Cha the way I would have expected. “You Drive Me Crazy” is a great song to Cha Cha to, and some decent choreography from Artem, but Melora looked as if she couldn’t quite keep up. The entire dance just looked too fast-paced for her.

Len compliments Artem’s choreo and calls it a great performance. Bruno says, “You got it, honey!” Carrie Ann says she makes it look easy and natural. 

Carrie Ann- 8, Len- 7, Bruno- 8 = 23/30

The show comes back from commercial with Tyra wearing a glittery, gold snake…

Melanie C & Gleb – Tango

Loved the throwback to Britney’s “Toxic” music video with those flight attendant outfits! And Gleb’s cloud suit, oh my goodness! haha That was some hot choreography that Melanie perfected. She kept up well and really channeled that flight-attendent-fighting-with-the-clouds-against-the-turbulance character.

Bruno makes a bunch of movie references and says she was flying high on that Tango. Carrie Ann says she was impressed because of the hard choreo, but that something still feels forced. Len says he liked the end more and it took a while to “get cracking,” but that Melanie is a terrific dancer.

Carrie Ann- 7, Len- 7, Bruno- 8 = 22/30 

Jimmie Allen & Emma – Salsa

Finally! A dance Jimmie excels at! Granted, there was a lot more Hip Hop-esque steps than Salsa steps and the solo parts were much better than in hold, but regardless, I thought he did better than the last two weeks. I mean, the lack of Latin motion in a dance like this is always incredibly noticeable, but he makes up for it with those solo moves. Of course, it’s hard to majorly screw up a Salsa, so…

Carrie Ann goes off on the lifts, saying he only nailed one out of the three. Len says his steps were too big and the lifts were dodgy. Bruno says Carrie Ann and Len must have been watching another show, because the rhythm and hips went brilliantly.

Carrie Ann- 6, Len- 6, Bruno- 8 = 20/30

Olivia Jade & Val – Tango

Olivia has really been coming out to win every week. She looked like a natural dancer this week, keeping up with Val’s intense choreography and having great frame while doing it! The way they started on the floor and ended on the floor was a nice touch. I would tie this with JoJo and Jenna for best dance of the night!

Len says it was a proper Tango. Bruno says, “You were on it like a bonnet!” and that Olivia has become a beautiful dancer. Carrie Ann calls it the best dance of the night.

Carrie Ann- 8, Len- 8, Bruno- 8 = 24/30

Cody Rigsby & Cheryl – Jazz (live from home on a split-screen)

The dance we’ve all been waiting for! Cheryl catching Cody’s fedora was a fun touch, but there were definitely a few times they were out of sync. Can we judge them for it though? I would say not in this particular instance. I think under these difficult and unprecedented circumstances, they both did incredibly well. And honestly, they were more in sync than not throughout it. Also, why does Cheryl have a pole in her house…?

Bruno commends his perseverance, but it was difficult to judge. Carrie Ann says bravo to them for dancing with COVID-19, but hat this performance didn’t compare to one in the ballroom. Len says it was terrific for the circumstances. 

Carrie Ann- 6, Len- 6, Bruno- 6 = 18/30

After the commercial break, Tyra announces this winter’s DWTS tour, featuring Brandon, Alan, Pasha, Artem, Gleb, Sasha, Emma, Britt and Daniela! Tickets available Friday, October 8th on DWTSTour.com!

Suni Lee & Sasha – Foxtrot

I feel for Suni! She’s such a great dancer but her lack of confidence holds her back. That moment at the beginning where she was supposed to freeze in a gymnastics move, but wobbled and had to catch her balance… I’m confident that her confidence will rise throughout the season, she just isn’t quite there yet. I know this performance was supposed to be slithery like a snake, but Suni just didn’t perfect the Foxtrot aspect of it.

Carrie Ann says she’s pushing her boundaries, but noticed discomfort from Suni during the sensual moves (and points out the issue during the freeze). Len says they didn’t capture the Foxtrot (agreed). Bruno says he liked the way she started to play with a character this week. 

Carrie Ann- 7, Len- 7, Bruno- 7 = 21/30

Matt James & Lindsay – Tango

There’s nothing more intriguing than a female dancer wearing black on the dance floor… but anyway, oh Matt. He really needs to work on his frame if he wants to stick around. Dancing in Week 3 with frame like that will not bode well for him. It was quite the underwhelming performance, I tend to hold Lindsay to a much higher standard than this. I also don’t understand all the shirtless Matt pictures appearing behind them…

Len critiques his footwork but says he had plenty of passion. Bruno says he’s disappointed because Matt was overdressed tonight (lol). Carrie Ann says his posture was beautiful but his elbow went too high at times (then Bruno falls out of his chair because, again, only Derek brings the class here…)

Carrie Ann- 7, Len- 6, Bruno- 7 = 20/30

The Miz & Witney – Salsa

The song we’ve all been waiting for!! “Oops! I Did It Again” by the one and only. Honestly, I never would have pegged this song a Salsa, and I still don’t. Maybe it’s the picky dance instructor side of me, but there was just something off about this dance, with no fault to The Miz or Witney. LOL, loved that delayed reaction to Witney ripping The Miz’s shirt open. I would also never trust a non-professional dancer to twirl me around upside down like that, but I digress. It was good for what it was!

Bruno says, “When it comes to shirts, less is more.” Carrie Ann says he’s fun to watch and puts attention to details. Len says it was fantastic considering The Miz has zero dance background.

Carrie Ann- 7, Len- 7, Bruno- 8 = 22/30

Tyra announces next week’s theme: Disney Night!! Then Mickey appears on screen and shows everyone the steps that each couple MUST include in their routines next week, no matter what dance style they’re doing! You can join in by sharing a video of yourself doing the steps with #DWTSMickeyDanceChallenge

Tyra announces the couples dancing next week: Olivia and Val, Jimmie and Emma, Melora and Artem, JoJo and Jenna and Iman and Daniella.

The next couples dancing next week are: Melanie C and Gleb, Brian and Sharna, Matt and Lindsay and Suni and Sasha.

Joining them are Amanda and Alan, Cody and Cheryl and The Miz and Witney.

The bottom 2 are Kenya and Brandon and Christine and Pasha.

Carrie Ann saves Kenya. Bruno saves Kenya.

Christine and Pasha are eliminated.

DANCING WITH THE STARS - "Britney Night" - (ABC/Christopher Willard)

Judges’ Scores

Amanda- 24

JoJo- 24

Olivia- 24

Melora- 23

Melanie C- 22

The Miz- 22

Christine- 21

Kenya- 21

Suni- 21

Jimme- 20

Matt- 20

Iman- 19

Brian- 19

Cody- 18

And that ends Week 3! Join me next week for a two-night Disney Week event! Monday will be Disney Night, then Tuesday will be Villains Night! We’re about to combine all of my favorite things on here next week, so I’ll see you all then!!


About Ashley Amber 122 Articles
Ashley Amber is a 29-year-old writer, author and dancer. When Ashley isn't live-blogging shows like The Voice and Dancing With The Stars for MJ's Big Blog, she works as a writer for SoapHub and a contributor at The DIS, and previously published over 300 articles for Collider. Ashley has also authored a self-published fantasy/romance series of novelettes, and made her poetry debut in 2021's LGBTQIA+ anthology Deviant: Chronicles of Pride by InkFeathers Publishing. As a former pro ballroom dancer, when she's not writing, you can find Ashley on Youtube and TikTok where she posts dance videos featuring her own choreography and tutorials.