Big Brother Episode 15 Discussion and Recap *Updated with Poll*

Sorry it is so late going up. Somethings got mixed up. Recap coming later but feel free to discuss below.


It’s a new episode and we open up right after the Nomination Ceremony. Howard and Spencer are nominated and there is some patting on the back by Helen and Amanda. Aaryn and GinaMarie also celebrate how well they are playing without any mention of how they are really just sheep in Amanda’s and Helen’s games.

Howard takes the time to pray and says that whatever God wants he is ok with. Someone should tell him that God really doesn’t care about Big Brother. Jessie comes in and says that it hurts her that Howard is on the block because winning Big Brother could change his life.

McCrae tells Spencer that Howard is the target no matter who goes up as the third nominee because he is a monster. McCrae tells Spence that he wanted Elissa and GinaMarie up. Because McCrae never lies this is ok but Howard/Spencer are so shady unlike McCrae and Amanda.  Spencer is smart enough to know this is bullshit. He knows Howard is only the target because Amanda/McCrae cannot control him.

In the backyard Howard and Spencer are discussing their place in the game right now. This leads to Howard confronting the house and I think he is trying to say that he is a good person outside the game but none of it makes any sense. It was just awkward and confusing.

Up in the HoH room they are all discussing how confusing it is. For some reason people took the talk as threats against their games which thrills Amanda because it will be easier to send Howard home.

It’s time for the MVP talk. Elissa thinks Andy got it even though he won’t say anything which Amanda isn’t convinced of. McCrae is worried it is Howard which would hurt Amanda and himself.

It’s time to see who Amanda choose as the third nominee and it is revealed as Amanda. Amanda is pissed and she is convinced that Howard is the MVP. Amanda says she needs the PoV to stay safe and Howard says he needs her up to give him a chance. Helen says the MVP will be disappointed since Amanda will not be going home. Helen’s game is so short sighted.

Joining them in the PoV competition is Candice and Jessie with Helen as the host.

McCrae says that he would bet his life it is Howard. He wants to scrae Spencer to make sure he wins the PoV. Spencer says there is no way it was Howard. Aaryn thinks it is in no way America but I think she underestimates how much people dislike those in power.

Amanda is going crazy not knowing who put her up. She goes to Howard and he says he is not MVP. He says he thinks that it hasn’t changed (Elissa) or America is voting for it. He starts talking again and he is still talking in circles and I still have no clue what he is talking about. Amanda says he is sketchy and he can’t control him so Howard has to go.

Best Interaction of the Episode:

Amanda: Ok That’s all … Do you have anything else you want to say to me?

Howard (Awkwardly) :  Good Luck

It’s time for the Power of Veto. After some cheesy special effects. It’s a puzzle where they must collect pieces and put together their Veto Stone to win PoV.

Spencer and Candice have the same plan to gather all pieces and then build. Howard plans on putting together the outside and then going from there but admits it is hard. Aaryn hates puzzles but that is ok since she hates everything.

Howard is doing horrible which makes Jessie happy since she is horrible as well. Amanda is doing well but when Spencer notices he goes into high gear. As Spencer catches up Amanda realizes she didn’t collect all the pieces. Spencer gets close to finishing and realizes he is also missing one piece. He finds it and completes the puzzle to win the PoV.

Spencer is happy since he is safe now. Amanda says it is a bummer but Howard is still on the block so hopefully people stick to the plan. Howard knows he is in trouble and Aaryn is upset she has to get more blood on her hands.

The Power Players say it is a no brainer that Candice goes up but Helen wants to say she “tried” to fight for Candice. If I was one of the other players this would piss me off.  Why would I let someone else pretend they fought for someone when they didn’t. Screw that.

Candice is upset that Howard and Spencer seem to have thrown in the towel. So she has to take matters into her own hands and goes to talk to Helen. Helen throws Aaryn under the bus by saying that it is Aaryn’s decision.

Helen is trying to pretend she isn’t controlling the house. She also tries to pretend she has no power to make a deal with Candice and storms away from the discussion.

Helen flips it that Candice threatened her which is not what happened in the conversation. Since Helen is a power player people buy it hook line and sinker.

For the PoV ceremony Spencer obviously uses it on himself and Aaryn puts up Candice as the replacement. That’s a wrap for tonight.

My prediction is that Howard goes home. I think it’s a stupid move but the house will follow the lead of Amanda and Helen. In my opinion the smart move would be to take the chance to take Amanda out. They would only need four votes and Aaryn. That could be Spencer, Helen, Elissa, and GinaMarie. I also think Jessie could be convinced along with Judd. Helen would get rid of a major roadblock to her game and still have the numbers to go against Howard and Spencer later. But again I think Howard will be saying goodbye.

Cory will be Live tomorrow for the Live Elimination. Be sure to stop on by.