Big Brother 18 Week 7 Eviction Results

Da’Vonne was evicted from Big Brother. Additionally, the ticket she chose last week in the Travel Twist was NOT the special two-way ticket that would have sent her straight back into the house. Da’Vonne is the first houseguest to enter the Jury.


The Head of Household was Paul this week, but Paulie continues to run the house. After volunteering to be a pawn on the block, Paulie won the veto and took himself off. Paul followed his suggestion to put up HIS target, Da’Vonne. The house, except for Zak and Michelle, went along with the backdoor plan. Nicole in particular, wanted Da’Vonne out. They’ve been gunning for each other for awhile.

Oh. And Zak has a major thing for Paulie, but he’s just using her and plans to evict her as soon as he can. He’s a d*ck.

Eviction Vote

Paulie – Da’Vonne
Zak – Bridgette
Nicole – Da’Vonne
Michelle – Bridgette
Viktor – Da’Vonne
Corey – Da’Vonne
James – Da’Vonne
Natalie – Da’Vonne

Post eviction Interview with Julie: Da’Vonne knew she was going home, she could feel it. She whispered to Viktor the houseguests were planning to take him out in a double. She didn’t trust anyone in the house other than James, Zak and Michelle. But only two voted for her! She’s thinking she may have gotten too caught up in evicting Frank and missed the big picture. The situation with Frank was really difficult to deal with. She tried to keep her emotions in check, but sometimes her tears were fake.

In his goodbye message, Paul played like he wasn’t in on her backdoor. James apologized for evicting her and explains that he couldn’t blow up his game by voting to keep her safe.

Head of Household competition is called “Harsh Hashtags.” The houseguests will be hoisted in the air on a spinning disk. The last one remaining becomes the new HoH. The first 3 to fall off their disk will become have-nots. Get comfy–it’s going to be a long comp. Just as the show signed off, extras dressed as “internet trolls” entered the room with foam paddles, which the players need to avoid…I guess.

Stay tuned for Steven’s weekly recap and powerlist, coming your way soon…

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Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!