Big Brother 17 Spoilers Week 7 – POV Ceremony Results

Big Brother 17 Spoilers Week 7 POV Ceremony Results

Big Brother 17 Spoilers Week 7 Big Brother 17 Spoilers Week 7 – POV Ceremony

As expected, Veto competition winner, Steve, took himself off the block during today’s Veto ceremony. And, as was expected, Becky chose Vanessa as the renom.

Afterward, Becky had a chat with Austin, Liz and Julia, explaining why they had nothing to worry about. Vanessa had put Becky up, had considered her a target for a time, and chose Shelli as houseguest’s choice over her. Vanessa talks the talk, but doesn’t walk the walk, Becky said. On the other hand, Austin and the twins have supported her, and can expect continued support. She added that if Vanessa blames them in any way for Becky’s blindside, she is taking FULL RESPONSIBILITY for the decision, unlike Vanessa who targets people without taking responsibility.

Becky’s plan for the week, which she is imparting to the house, is to lay as low as possible and not get sucked into Vanessa’s drama. She made the point that with double elimination coming up, and the possibility of a houseguest returning later in the game, they can’t blow up each other’s games.

Becky and James have both played their HoH’s by taking full responsibility for the big moves they made. There’s no finger pointing or throwing under the bus. Vanessa’s messy game caught up to her. It’s just a matter of time. The outsiders are playing a game that’s as clean and honorable as it gets in the Big Brother house. Naturally, Vanessa is already calling Becky a hypocrite and complaining about liars. And telling Shelli that she owes her everything.  While Vanessa was suspicious, Becky’s renom really did catch her off guard.

“This was not my fault!” Shelli said to Vanessa, exasperated. “Do you honestly think I would want to be up on the block with you?”

As soon as the competition finished, Vanessa cornered Shelli and accused her of knowing she’d be the replacement. Although she DID know about it, Shelli lied and said she didn’t. Accusing Shelli TWICE, even wondering if Shelli put Becky up to it, the deeply paranoid Vanessa probably won’t stop the quest to find out who knew what when. Vanessa is now on the block next to Shelli, who says she considers the other a friend, no matter what happens. But it will be a test this week, as I expect Vanessa to do whatever it takes to stay in the house. The majority of the house is against her. Let the under-the-bus throwing begin…

Update: Last night Vanessa pumped Austin and especially Steve for information. Steve held up well. Austin and the twins didn’t learn about the blindside until Becky told them right before the Veto ceremony.

Vanessa is already attempting to blow up Becky’s game, spilling to Jackie, Meg and James that Becky was ratting out their plans to Vanessa and Clelli. The reaction to Vanessa was to laugh behind her back. Like Audrey at the end of her game, nobody is taking Vanessa seriously at this point.

Vanessa thinks James will vote to keep her over Shelli but he won’t. It’s looking like Austin and the twins may evict Vanessa at this point too. Unless something drastic goes down, Vanessa is gone.

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