Big Brother 17 Spoilers Week 5 – POV Competition Results (UPDATED)

Big Brother 17 Spoilers Week 5 - POV Competition Results

Big Brother 17 Spoilers Week 5 – POV Competition Results

Clay won the PoV competition on Saturday, and will take himself off of the block during the upcoming Veto Ceremony. Austin is still the backdoor target.

Shelli, Clay, and Steve are Have Nots for the week. The treat is “Slop corn,” which involves flavored popcorn.

On Friday, despite James attempting to throw the competition, he and Liz won the BoB comp and are safe for the week. Vanessa is still Head of Household, which means Clay and Becky are still up on the block. This was not the original plan. Clay and Becky were supposed to win the comp and dethrone Vanessa, who did not want to be HoH for the week. She’s obsessed with having too much blood on her hands.

Despite their plans going awry, the plan to backdoor Austin stayed in place, and even now, he is none the wiser, even though he suspected, rightly, that James tried to throw the BoB comp.  Clay reassured Austin that it wasn’t the case, but Liz continued to be skeptical. Austin believes if James DID throw the comp, it was about being afraid of Vanessa staying in power. At the moment, he believes the house wants to backdoor Steve, although both he and Liz would love to evict Becky.

Saturday’s Power of Veto competition was played by Vanessa and nominees Clay and Becky, plus John and Shelli. James was the host. John informed Clay that he’d be saving Becky if he won PoV. They are close, and any other result would be suspicious. Vanessa, Shelli and John planned to take Clay off the block if they won. There was some worry that Liz would keep the nominations the same if she won, particularly if she discovered that Austin was the target.

Vanessa pulled Houseguest’s choice and chose Shelli to play the game (which involved squirrel suits!). Becky was hoping she’d choose her ally, Jackie to play and is in a constant and current state of worry that she won’t be safe, despite reassurances. She cried after the competition. Apparently, she came close to winning.

Both John and Steve have no idea that who the real target is, although John suspects it could be Austin.

Update: Welp. The target for eviction has now shifted to Becky.

Austin planted a seed with Vanessa that the other side of the house is gunning for Clay, and when Shelli heard, she flipped out. When Clay won the PoV, claims Austin, Meg, James, Jason etc didn’t look happy.  Shelli speculated that Becky threw the competition so that Clay would stay on the block. Paranoia ran rampant.

Wheels began spinning. Now Vanessa and Shelli are convinced there’s a secret alliance gunning for them. Nevermind that the rest of the house is basically on summer vacation, and aren’t gunning for anyone. Last week, when Audrey spilled to James the info about the six person alliance, he went straight to Clay with the info, and in the end, didn’t believe her.

Vanessa and Shelli had a conversation with Liz first. She confessed Austin isn’t her type at all,and she’s not particularly loyal to him. When she learned what Jason said about Austin wanting Julia out of the house first so he could have Liz to himself, she was pretty upset.  But she did stress that Austin would never vote against the alliance and that he was definitely a number on their side. However, when Vanessa asked if she knew who the rogue vote for Jeff was a couple of weeks ago, she lied, swearing she had no idea. (Liz voted to keep Jeff in the house ).

Vanessa then confronted Austin, with his lies. She revealed to him that Jason spilled their conversation. Austin came clean about voting for to keep Audrey last week, and that he did it to target Steve, in order to protect Liz and bring another member into the alliance.

The confrontation was huge. Austin begged Vanessa not to backdoor him.  “I’m an emotional guy,” he says, “I’m falling in love with a girl, and I made mistakes.” He insisted that Vanessa was always his #1.  Vanessa claimed the rest of the house bullied her into backdooring him (NOT the truth) after Jason told the entire house about his conversation with Austin. Vanessa worked Austin over, making him feel super guilty and beholden to her before agreeing to think about keeping him.

Austin is terrified he’s not going to be with Liz in Jury. He confessed that he’s in love with her. He was in sequester for Big Brother 16 last year, playing his wrestling character, Judas. But his girlfriend gave him an ultimatum, threatening to break up with him, so he left. Nobody is letting Austin in on the truth that the feeling isn’t mutual.

…but this could ALL CHANGE. All of it. Stay tuned for updates.

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