Big Brother 17 Spoilers Week 10 – HoH Results

Big Brother 17 Spoilers Week 10 - HoH Results

Big Brother 17 Spoilers Week 10 – HoH Results

John was evicted from the Big Brother house Thursday night. The good news? He earned his way back into the house by being the last of the jury members remaining in the endurance comp. YAY JOHNNY MAC! The bad news? Vanessa WON the HoH comp, which means another week of her narcissistic bullying and masterminding. But hey, maybe that’s better than her paranoid whining, crying and interrogative bullying when she fears being nominated/backdoored.

As the show ended, Julia, Steve, and Meg had fallen off their ropes.  During the feeds, James was out next, followed by Liz, Jackie and Shelli.  John and Vanessa were the two remaining. John dropped. This endurance comp was HARD, and ended pretty quickly.

John threw the comp to Vanessa in exchange for a promise of safety. John assured Vanessa he wasn’t coming after her. Meanwhile, immediately after the comp, Austwins wanted John out of the house as quickly as he came in.  They were sure that he was gunning for them. Meg, James and Austin regretted evicting John rather than making a deal to work with him. If they had evicted Steve instead, they figure Shelli, as the last one on the rope besides John, would be back in the house (of course, the Austin had no idea Shelli considered targeting them if she returned to the house). The group agreed that the nominations should stay the same.

But not so fast! Because Vanessa is playing all sides. She told Austin that John turned down a deal on the ropes (NOT TRUE) and the Austwins are 100% safe this week.  She told Steve that she wants to align with him and John this week. The trio could beat the Austwins in every competition, she said. She told John that the two of them will pretend to be feuding, and when she doesn’t put him up, everyone will be shocked. But then she convinced the Austwins to work with John and Steve this week to backdoor James.  Her “reason” for targeting the goblins–they didn’t congratulate her when she won HoH.  Vanessa is straight up crazy. At Vanessa’s behest, Austin and John chat and clear the air.

When Austin defended Meg, Vanessa told him–and repeated the story to the twins later–that Meg and James tried to flip her vote to Steve, and then suggested they team up against the Austwins (NOT TRUE). That’s all they needed to hear. The trio began planning how to target James, whom Vanessa also considers a competition threat. Vanessa is a genius, and in the end, they are all going to be sorry they didn’t take her out when they had the chance.

ETA: I know the Goblins considered flipping the vote against Steve. I’m referring to Vanessa claiming James/Meg were targeting the Austwins. That’s Vanessa planting seeds in order to get her way.

About mj santilli 35055 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!