Big Brother 17 Spoilers – Is the Jig Up for Liz?


Uh Oh. The Big Brother 17 houseguests have caught on to the Twin Twist! Liz and her twin Julia have been switching places in the house since the competition began. The house seemed oblivious until Da’Vonne noticed that something was amiss.

When Julia switched into the house today, Da’Vonne shared her suspicions with her buddy Jason.  They both noted that there’s a “chunky” one (Liz) and a “skinny” one (Julia), and one who is “friendlier” (Liz).  Plus, they noticed that Liz/Julia’s features are slightly different, particularly the shape and color of the eyes.

To be honest, I can’t believe it took them this long to figure it out. Also, the twist would have been easier to pull off if the there hadn’t been a similar twist back in season 5, which several of the houseguests, including Jason, remember.

Day wanted to keep the info to herself. It was a card she could play to ensure her safety. She could literally blackmail Liz/Julia to not only vote to keep her safe, but help campaign on her behalf.

But it didn’t work out that way. Eventually, the news spread. Jason told James and Meg, who had no clue and was pretty freaked out. “We have to get them out,” said Jason. “Or we’ll have to deal with 2 Lizes in 3 weeks.” The twist rules are: If Liz/Julia avoid 5 evictions, they both get to play.

Early this morning, Jason and Day revealed the twist to Jackie Jeff and Steve, in a backyard chat that included James and Meg. The group compared notes and formulated scenarios in which they could out her. “That’s why she’s always sending me mixed signals,” said James. They had wondered why Liz/Julie NEVER remembered stories. The weird personality changes are now explained. “We need to get THESE BITCHES OUT,” Jason exclaimed.

Jeff eventually made a beeline to the HoH room to tell Shelli and Clay and they couldn’t have been happier. The Twin Twist emergency means they can keep the target off of Audrey for at least one more week.

Damn. If only Day had uncovered the twist a day or two earlier, Shelli may have decided that it was more important to ditch Liz than her arch enemy Da’Vonne. It could have been a backdoor surprise for Liz/Julia. Put them up, and the house vote unanimously to get them out. But the timing didn’t work out that way, unfortunately. Instead, Liz will be the target next week and we’ll have at least one more week of  crazy pants Audrey in the house.

Day does have ONE MORE trick up her sleeve. She answered the 7th call from Kathy Griffin yesterday, as part of the “Last Laugh” twist. That will allow her to eliminate 3 houseguests from the eviction vote. If she can rally the troops, maybe she could garner enough votes to keep herself in the house. But at this point,  it’s a long shot.

About mj santilli 35055 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!