Find out what has happened inside the Big Brother house since last night’s live eviction here:
Last night Amber was evicted. The episode ended in a cliffhanger, but the live feeds revealed that Donny and Nicole won HoH. Which four houseguests did they nominate this week?
Donny nominated Caleb and Victoria.
Nicole nominated Jocasta and Zach.
Caleb and Victoria won the Battle of the Block. Donny is dethroned and Nicole is the sole HoH.
There are quite a few different possibilities for this week. After Nicole and Hayden talked strategy together, they agreed that Frankie should be the target this week and other houseguests agreed to this plan as well. However, it depends whether or not the Power of Veto will be used. So by the end of the week, it could be Jocasta and Frankie on the block together, or it could be Zach and Frankie on the block together. Of course, Frankie could potentially play for the Veto and not use it. If the nominations stay the same and it’s Zach versus Jocasta, it probably would be Jocasta walking out the door on Thursday with a slight chance of it being Zach instead. Whether or not the Power of Veto is used will be the determining factor this week. However, if everything goes according to Nicole’s plans, then Frankie will be backdoored this week. However, what will happen on Thursday won’t be clear until after the Veto Ceremony. But at the moment, it seems like Frankie, Zach, and Jocasta are the most vulnerable for eviction.
Thankfully, it looks like there may be a slight power shift this week and a member of the Detonator alliance will be walking out the door. Frankie has been playing a rat game throughout the whole season, and I personally am glad to see him targeted for eviction this week. Of course there’s a chance he can stay, but it’s nice to see that people finally see through his game.