Big Brother 15: Thursday EVICTION NIGHT LIVE BLOG & RECAP! (Week 11)

Live blogging tonight’s Big Brother 15 eviction!

Judd was eliminated yesterday, and the exterminators are still in power. McCrea is last on their hit list. Gina Marie and McCrae were nominated for eviction, but McCrae won the power of veto and used it on himself. Judd ended up on the block and was sent home. Andy won the HoH competition, guaranteeing him a spot in the final 3.

Another eviction tonight, and McCrae is likely the target. Spencer feels terrible that a fellow exterminator left under his HoH. Andy only cares about the money at this point. Gina Marie is disappointed she didn’t win the HoH. The exterminators are TERRIFIED that McCrae will win the veto. The plan is for Andy to nominate Spencer and McCrae, which he does. Andy advises everyone to play their asses off in the veto. Andy doesn’t think McCrae is aware he’s the target. Spenser is feeling paranoid that Andy and Gina Marie are working behind his back.

Now, we get a peak at the Jury House, circa two weeks ago. Helen has been relaxing and painting. Aaryn arrives at the house, and Candice couldn’t be happier. Aaryn apologizes for the horrible things she said to them. “It’s not who I am at all,” she says. She wants to get to know them outside of the game. Start over. I won’t hold my breath. Amanda enters the house next. Jessie says, “My nightmare is finally over!” Amanda believes the girls were happy to see her eliminated, rather than happy to see her. Helen loves that Gina Marie made a big move. Amanda learned that it was Andy who voted her out, not Elissa. And the rest learn what a lying liar rat Andy is. Elissa enters the jury house right behind Amanda. In light of how she exited the BB house, everyone is pissed. Amanda apologizes for McCrae. ANDY IS A RAT CLEARLY. But Helen admires his game.

It’s all girls in the Jury House! Until Judd enters. Helen is surprised. They watch Judd’s eviction video together. Judd thinks Gina Marie is the smartest one left in the house. The girls call her a flip flopper. Aaryn thinks Amanda is just as awful outside the house as she was in. Candice calls McCrae a floater. He road on Amanda’s coattails, she says. Amanda believes his game was honest.

Time for Power of Veto! It’s a puzzle with a cobwebs theme. The HGs have to match a clue to a house guest. When their answers are up, they press a buzzer. If any are wrong, the puzzle pieces drop and they have to start over. All the remaining HGs play, and all are determined to win.

And Andy has won the power of veto.

And powerful he is now. BYE MCCRAE. Still, McCrae is going to work on Andy. Good luck. Spencer thinks GM has a lot of jury votes. Actually, he’s trying to manipulate Andy into taking him into the final 2. Andy and Spencer team up to convince Andy that GM is dangerous. Andy realizes she has the potential to ruin his game.

The live Veto meeting begins. McCrae and Spencer plead their casex. Andy chooses NOT to use the power of veto. The eviction is next and it’s all up to Gina Marie, who will cast the one and only vote. Onced again, McCrae and Spencer plead their cases. McCrae doesn’t try very hard, because he knows it’s a farce and he’s on his way out.

Gina Marie evicts McCrae

McCrae gives a shout out to I guess they are fans? The final 3 are Gina Marie, Andy and Spencer.

McCrae sits with Julie. We see a clip of him, in the house, being told by the exterminators of their alliance. He was blown away. He didn’t see it coming. He could kick himself for not believing that Andy voted out Amanda. He didn’t get rid of Andy, because he believed the two would work together. He feels bad that he evicted Elissa. He realizes she would have been loyal. McCrae felt he was crippled after Amanda left the game. On Amanda, McCrae says she’s awesome. He’s not sure “stuff will work out” on the outside. Andy confesses to framing Elissa in his goodbye message. RAT. McCrae wishes he had distanced himself from Amanda..but he’s a little flip floppy on that.

Andy tells Julie that they had nothing to lose by revealing the exterminator alliance to McCrae before he left the house. He was such a good player, they felt they owed him the respect.

We’ll have HoH spoilers later! Stay tuned.

About mj santilli 35170 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!