We are down to the final eight (although next week will be final 8 as well with the announcement that someone will re-enter the house). Adam and I got together to come up with this week’s Power Rankings.
I am sure you will all disagree so feel free to discuss below.
8. Helen
It’s a big fall for Helen this week now that 3AM is solidified and in power.
She’s in big trouble this week unless she can pull out a Veto win. 3AM is completely aware that she’s been lying a lot lately, and she’s fallen victim to a fake alliance with McCrae and Andy. She doesn’t have nearly as much power as she thinks she does, and she may just find that out on Thursday.
7. Elissa
She doesn’t know it but she is one Helen PoV victory away from going to the Jury house.
As a non-3AM member, She’s now part of the minority of the house. If Helen saves herself this week, it seems like Elissa is next on the chopping list.
6. Spencer
He also is not part of the strongest alliance in the house, but if Elissa and Helen are taken out of the game and Spencer is up against someone like GinaMarie, he’ll be the next to go.
5. GinaMarie
At this point she is nothing more then an extra vote for someone.
She may not be completely aware of what’s going on in the house (or aware at all), but she’s not really a huge threat, and ALL the Houseguests think they can manipulate her, so they’ll keep her around.
4. Amanda
She may have the best resume for the finale at this point. Every week, the player SHE wants to leave the house ends up leaving the house. Many people on the outside of the house hate her, but to the players, they treat her opinion like that of a queen.
She’s done the most damage to those on the jury so if they vote with hurt feelings she is less likely to pull out the victory in the end.
3. Aaryn
She is, without a doubt, the Comp Queen of the season. If she’s ever in the line of fire, it seems like she is more than capable of pulling herself out of it by winning a competition in a pinch. She’s also part of a strong Final 4 alliance that will keep her safe.
I could see her pulling off a few more HoH wins and getting into the finale and if people play with who was the most competitive could win the season.
2. McCrae
If he’s ever on the block, he’d probably be put up with Amanda, and they may find it too tempting to not take her out. Also, he has that fake alliance with Helen and is liked by Spencer, so he’s pretty much covered on all sides.
1. Andy
Mr. Likable is still likable. He got some blood on his hands last week, but everyone still seems to love him. He’s in a very, very good spot.
He is still number one but I think he has the hardest route to actually win because at some point people will realize they don’t want to face him in the end.