Big Brother 15 Live Feeds: New HoH winner (Spoilers and Poll)

I know that Adam usually posts Live Feed stuff but I know he is getting ready for school so I thought I would step up and post one tonight.

Be Warned there are spoilers within …

Ok For those still here tonight’s episode ended with the Head of House competition still going on and after it was all over the new Head of House is …


The initial plan seems to be to nominate Amanda and McCrae with Elissa as a back up nomination. But we all know that Amanda can be big, bad, and scary so at this point anything can happen between now and the Nomination Ceremony.

Should be another interesting week … Amanda fans should be scared again while everyone else will sit back and enjoy. I kind of hope Amanda finds a way to stay. I’m not a huge fan of hers but I think the season would be even more boring without her.