It’s another Wednesday episode and tonight we will see who “won” this week’s MVP and the Power of Veto competition and ceremony.
I’ll be back later with my recap and as always scroll down to discuss the show.
Welcome to Wednesday night’s edition of Big Brother which means all this week’s cards will be on the table.
We start off with the regular old recap of last week’s and Sunday’s events. For those who missed it Aaryn and Kaitlin were nominated for eviction although Helen did apply that someone else was the target. We could be seeing a Back Door nominee.
Kaitlin says that being on the block is awkward because people will give you sympathy hugs that they don’t want to give. She says she will keep her head down and stay calm. Aaryn says she was nominated because she has a strong personality and is a strong competitor. Really it is because she is just a bitch.
In the bedroom Jeremy and Kaitlin are talking. Jeremy says he thinks he is going up as the MVP nominee and Kaitlin agrees. Jeremy says he is pretty sure America will give Elissa the MVP again. Kaitlin says that people hate Aaryn and as long as Jeremy wins PoV they can both be safe.
Helen heads up to the HoH bedroom to discuss the third nominee since she is pretty sure Elissa will win it (time to shake this thing up America) and they want to give her to put up someone. Helen says that they need to back door Jeremy so they should nominate someone else.
Helen says Spencer and Amanda wants someone else since Spencer won’t beat Jeremy for the PoV if he plays. Amanda says that if Jeremy escapes elimination they need to target Howard. Helen also gets McCrae to reveal to her that Howard lied about the Moving Company.
She then takes Spencer aside and he admits to everything about the Moving Company because he is smart enough to realize that it is over and no point in hiding it any longer. This causes Helen to cry because she is disappointed in Spencer and Howard but she is using the water works to get what she wants. She says she is giving Spencer a second chance.
Spencer takes Howard aside and lets him know that Helen knows everything. He says that Howard needs to come clean to Helen to try to protect themselves.
Now the week’s worst kept secret is revealed as Elissa is totally overwhelmed with winning MVP three times. McCrae and Amanda take her aside and push for Howard. Amanda says that there is no other option but Elissa realizes that they are using her to do their dirty work.
It is just so annoying being MVP so often. Time to give it to someone else America.
Up in the HoH room Howard finally comes clean about the Moving Company. He says it is affecting his conscience and his game. Helen starts the water works again as Howard asks for forgiveness and asks for a chance to regain trust.
Elissa wants to speak alone to speak. Elissa asks Helen if the friendship feelings are genuine or is she being used. She says she feels used by Amanda and McCrae to put Howard up. Elissa wants to put Spencer up instead since Jeremy is the target.
We then have a meeting of the minds. Amanda continues to push for Howard. Elissa sees through their attempts to make Howard a villain. Elissa is not comfortable putting up Howard since she always puts up the strong players. She feels like she is doing all the dirty work for everyone else but she will do what is best for her game.
I am glad she is smart enough to see how McCrae and Amanda are trying to use her nominee for their benefit. Nominating Howard would not benefit Elissa in any way and would actually hurt her because McCrae will play it off as Elissa’s decision.
It’s time to pick the PoV players but first time to reveal the MVP’s nominee. And she has chosen Spencer. He isn’t surprised and says that Howard must have done a better job defending himself. Elissa says she nominated Spencer because Amanda and McCrae pushed too hard for Howard to be put up and she won’t buckle to the pressure.
The two remaining PoV players are GinaMarie and Candice. Jeremy looks pissed since he knows he can now be back doored since he wasn’t chosen, Helen is ecstatic since this is how they wanted it to go. Helen informs Spencer and Candice they they need to win the veto so they can backdoor Jeremy.
Aaryn and Kaitlin are thinking that the plan is to backdoor Jeremy. Kaitlin knows that the only way both of them can stay in the house is if Aaryn goes home so she sells out Aaryn. She takes GineMarie aside to ask her to not play the veto. She kind of looks like she is thinking she won’t use it if she wins it. Craziness!
Amanda tells her that if Kaitlin doesn’t use it on herself then she would go home since she is a bigger threat then Aaryn. Sounds like Amanda bullshitting her.
For the PoV players will play one at a time. Players will need to jump on a trampoline and see an art collection on the other side. They will then need to match the pictures on the wall. Player with fastest time would win PoV.
Candice is up first and thinks she has it but some pictures look the same but have slight differences. Aaryn is next and hates playing since she has to look at pictures of all the people she hates in the house (like everyone). And she wonders why America hasn’t given her the MVP.
GinaMaria is next and she goes crazy when she sees a picture of Nick. Apparently seeing Nick gives her inspiration to win. Before she leaves the back yard she kisses the picture of Nick. Spencer is up next and he is having trouble on the trampoline. He’s a big guy and is tiring out but gets it done.
Kaitlin goes out quick. She knows that if she wins it may give her leverage to negotiate with Helen. She moves quickly but not sure if it is quick enough. Helen has trouble jumping and memorizing but also gets it done.
Time for the results. Candice jumps out with 8:46, GinaMarie with 8:56, Spencer in 12:19, Aaryn with 9:50, and Kaitlin with 7:09. With just Helen left Kaitlin is the leader. Helen comes in with 8:55 giving Kaitlin the PoV with a big decision to make.
If Kaitlin comes off the block Jeremy comes home. It would be the stupidest thing ever but wouldn’t surprise me. Jeremy tries to charm Kaitlin to not use the veto or convince Helen to nominate someone else. He tells her to be emotional and cry. She is going to try to get Howard on the block instead. Also Jeremy is a douche.
Kaitlin goes up to the HoH room and Helen admits to putting up Jeremy and she is already getting teary eyed. Kaitlin says that Howard is untrustworthy and shady. She says that the house wants Jeremy gone and to go against the house wouldn’t help her. She also says that Jeremy has never treated her well and we are given a flashback to Jeremy drinking the wine and confronting the house causing Helen to cry.
At this point Kaitlin knows there is no way to save Jeremy. She tells Jeremy that their points were valid but Helen needs to do what the house wants. She asks why he needs to be a douche and cocky and he says he is badass and never loses. Except for the fact that he is losing.
At this point she is wondering if there is actually any chance she would go home if she stayed on the block since Spencer and Aaryn are bigger targets. I agree that they would probably send Aaryn or Spencer over her but I hope no one is stupid enough to not use the PoV when they are on the block.
Kaitlin says it is a lose/lose situation since either Jeremy or herself will go home. Honestly I think Jeremy going home is a win for her since he is bringing her down. Helen says that if she doesn’t use it then Kaitlin will be going home. Jeremy is hoping that Howard goes up but is preparing for the worst.
Kaitlin smartly uses the veto on herself and Helen easily puts Jeremy up as the replacement.
Kaitlin plans to campaign to keep Jeremy in the house and Aaryn knows Jeremy is a talker and can talk himself out of danger. Apparently Jeremy loves in the face of danger and will go out swinging. As an Aboriginal I can say that Jeremy is the most annoying Native American I have ever seen.
It should be a straight forward elimination tomorrow night with Jeremy going home but you really never know for certain. Either way Cory will be Live Blogging the Live Elimination when either Aaryn, Spencer, or Jeremy will be going home and we will get a new Head of House. Then I will be back with the weekly Power Rankings on Saturday and recapping Sunday night’s episode. See you then.