Big Brother 15 Daily Updates [Veto Ceremony Spoilers]

I posted a live feeds update yesterday about Aaryn possibly flipping on Amanda and nominating her as the replacement for Elissa. I updated the page later last night, saying that Amanda talked her way back into Aaryn’s good graces. From that point onward, Aaryn was still on board to nominate Spencer.

Feeds returned today to reveal that Elissa has removed herself from the block, and Aaryn has nominated SPENCER in her place.

As soon as this happened, Helen knew she was in trouble. Aaryn revealed the plan to her last night, so she’s aware that she’s this week’s real target. Since the Veto meeting, she’s been looking kind of desperate. She’s constantly pleading to Andy to keep her, despite knowing now that he’s not truly with her. He’s telling her what he wants to hear, but when he’s alone with Aaryn and GinaMarie, he’s quick to say that Helen needs to leave. It sounds like Aaryn  does NOT want Helen out, but now it’s essentially down to Andy.

Do you think Helen can flip Andy back to her side in the next three days? I’m doubtful, but we’ll find out.
