Hello everyone! My name’s Adam and I’ll be recapping the important events taking place on the Big Brother live feeds. These posts WILL include spoilers, such as HoH competition results, Have/Have Not competition results, nominations, Power of Veto winners, Veto Ceremony results, and possibly even eviction spoilers, so be sure to stay clear if you don’t want to know this information ahead of time.
This week, the houseguests entered the house and the first Big Brother Head of Household was crowned: McCrae.
Spoiler time.
McCrae has nominated Candice and Jessie for eviction.
Have-Nots for the week are: Andy, Elissa, Howard, Judd, and Helen
The houseguests have not been in the Big Brother house for too long, but alliances are already starting to bud. It appears that GinaMarie, Kaitlin, Aaryn, and David have joined forces. Another group that appears to have formed is an all-male alliance: Nick, Howard, Spencer, Jeremy, and McCrae
The main force behind the male alliance appears to be Nick. He plans on getting closer to some of the houseguests outside of his clan and wants Howard (and possibly Spencer?) to get close to some of the other outside houseguests. He’s hoping that by doing this he can hide the tracks of the male alliance, as well as pit the outsiders against each other.
Jessie has been complaining nonstop. She seems to care more about winning over Jeremy than the fact that she’s on the chopping block. The girls are really acting catty.
Aside from that, the houseguests are finding ways to entertain themselves, such as fashion shows and other games. They got the fashion show out of the way pretty quickly…hopefully they can keep the entertainment value up!
If anything juicy happens, I’ll let y’all know.