Big Brother 15 Daily Updates [NOMINATION AND MVP SPOILERS]

In the last spoiler, we learned that the new HoH is Aaryn. While this is one of the worst things that could have happened, the week could still be pretty interesting if a few things happen.

Let’s start with the nominations.

Today, Aaryn nominated Elissa and Helen for eviction.

It was also spoiled less than an hour ago that Elissa is the MVP for the second week. This is very, very interesting. The only person she’s told is Helen. She wants to make sure the word doesn’t get around, unlike last week when she told McCrae. Luckily, when Andy walked into the room, Helen did NOT crack and tell him. She talked as if it is a strong possibility, but not a certainty. This is great, because it means Elissa may finally have a stable ally in the game.

Right now, Elissa is thinking of nominating Jeremy tomorrow. Weirdly enough, if Jeremy were to win the Veto, Elissa wants to replace him with Nick. This is probably a bad idea, because while both of these men have the support of the Moving Company, the MC has actually discussed the possibility of voting out Jeremy because he’s too much of a liability. Nick, however, is the head of the group, so he may be sitting pretty next to Elissa.

Personally, as an Elissa fan, I’m hoping she wins the veto and the final nominations for eviction are Helen, Nick, and Jeremy, with Jeremy leaving the house. Tomorrow’s Veto competition is absolutely critical for Elissa’s survival. We’ll see how it goes.
