Sorry if this seems a bit late folks. Moving Day was yesterday, yikes.
Yesterday, Aaryn made her initial nominations for eviction. Everyone across the internet seemed to be worried about whether or not Aaryn would keep her deal with Helen and the majority alliance [Helen, Jessie, Elissa, McCrae, Amanda, Andy, and Judd]. A lot of people thought she’d flake out on it and nominate Elissa and Amanda, but I stuck to the idea that if ANYONE offered Aaryn anything close to a deal, which Helen did last week, Aaryn would stick to it because she KNOWS she’s a huge target still. She’s going to try to ride with the group as long as they she can because she realizes she really has no other option.
That being said, last night Aaryn stuck to the deal and nominated Howard and Spencer for eviction.
The plan, as of right now, is still to evict Howard. Amanda is not going to allow the group to pass up this opportunity. Also, in a last-ditch effort to sway Aaryn’s mind away from nominating her man, Candice confronted her and told her that Amanda and McCrae were planning on targeting Aaryn. That conversation was a complete waste of time because Aaryn immediately went and told Amanda. Now she is furious with Candice, naturally. So Amanda’s vote to evict Howard may be a bit more personal this week.
Also taking place yesterday was the Have/Have Not Competition. All we know is that it had something to do with “Good Cop, Bad Cop” and that most of the Houseguests thought the competition was uncreative and stupid. When the feeds returned, we learned that Amanda, Candice, GinaMarie, and Judd are the Have Nots for the week. Also, America gave the HN’s a feast of Ramen and raisins.
The MVP Nomination this week is Amanda. Playing in the Veto competition are Aaryn, Amanda, Howard, Spencer, Candice, and Jessie. Check back for results!