America’s Got Talent – Are You Watching?

Since Nashville Star is sorta turning into a bust, I may semi-cover this show–if there’s an interest.

Eh. I hate the non-stop Stupid Human Tricks that make up this show. I also hate famewhore parents who push their little kids onto the stage. I also really hate the super-mawkish backstories some of these contestants have. Not digging this show so much…yet.

Jerry Springer is perfect to host this 3 ring circus of absurdity. David Hasselhoff is…The Hoff! ‘nuf said! Sharon Osbourne and Piers Morgan are OK judges. Not that there’s much judging here. Neither really jump out at me as interesting personalities.

Some notable performances:

After the JUMP…

  • Jonathan Arons, 32 – He presents himself as a classical trombone player, but then OMG he breaks out the “wacky” dancing! Oh boy. He advances to Las Vegas – VIDEO.
  • Indiggo, 24 – Rumanian Twins sing “New York, New York” — pretty horrible, but pretty ballsy as they argue with the judges. On this show, talking back gets you a ticket to Vegas. – VIDEO.
  • Nuttin’ But Stringz 21 and 23 – These guys are brothers. They are a Violin/hip-hop duo. Yeah Seriously. While super-gimmicky like nearly everything on this show, they aren’t half-bad – VIDEO.
  • Mary Bly, 80 – 80 year old tap dancer. Need I say more. Sharon wants to advance her. The other judges say no. – VIDEO.
  • Kaitlyn Maher, 4 – Adorable little 4 year old who sings. She is cute, but just UGH. Just NO. Parents shouldn’t be putting their little ones on parade. Me no likey. – VIDEO.
  • Slippery Kittens 24-35 – The Burlesque group made up of soccer moms want to show America that Burlesque can be classy. It can, but these chicks aren’t. The routine is so clumsily choreographed and badly danced it comes off vulgar. Argh. – VIDEO.
  • Jonathan Burkin 17 – All through his pre-package video as he’s describing being teased because of this thing that he does…as the package works up to the big reveal I’m thinking “Baton twirler! Baton Twirler!” Ha ha. I have to say I liked this feel-good story. The kid has obviously been teased all his life and he finally gets some props for his talent. He does twirl a pretty awesome fire-tipped baton. The Hoff keeps yelling “Those kids who called you names can shove it!” The Hoff is awesome. Check out Jonathan’s mom. She’s very sweet. – VIDEO.
  • Derrick Barry, 24 – Britney Spears impersonator, Derrick advances to Vegas on two yeses from Sharon and Hoff. Eh. This is the best they can do? I’ve seen better female impersonators in Provincetown. Screw the lip syncing bullcrap–the really good ones actually sing. – VIDEO.
  • Extreme Dance FX 13-26 – This group of girls clog, tap, throw in some hip-hop and jazz. They aren’t bad for amateurs. Piers is right. Their outfits are fugly. – VIDEO.
  • Neil E. Boyd, 32 – The entire show has been working up to this last act. Neil Boyd is just a guy from a humble background. A humble guy with a dream–to be an opera singer. Does that sound familiar? It should. He’s America’s version of Paul Potts. Neil cries a lot. Mostly about his mom who sacrificed everything for him. He’s a good singer, I could have done without the overly-sentimental video package. – VIDEO.
About mj santilli 35180 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!