It’s the second night of America’s Got Talent auditions in front of judges Howie Mandel, Mel B. Heidi Klum and Simon Cowell. Brand new host Tyra Banks presides over all the madness. Join us tonight as we live blog all the performances.
Edna and Mia Moore – Dog Act – Edna is sure that Mia was born to be a mathematician. A puppy counting act. We’ve never seen that before! Hm. The dog has more outfits than Tyra, Edna insists. Howie asks Mia to count to four. After a bit she finally barks it out. Then she barks SIXTEEN TIMES when asked. And then barks 20 times after being shown a flash card. Edna and Mia stare intently at each other while this is going on. There’s some sort of facial signal Edna uses, surely. This counting bit is a pretty old trick. Mia’s pretty damn cute, though. “This is like a super-dog!” says Simon. “I love this act,” says Heidi. – 4 yeses.
Diavolo – Dance Troop – Creative director Jacque is like a crazy mastermind. He’s also not planning to share the million dollars if he wins. The group performs on a massive rocking structure. Like it’s a ship that’s sinking? The dancers fall and leap–others catch them. They hang off the edge of the structure. Performers roll underneath and roll away just in time not to get squashed. It’s magnificent–full of drama and danger. “I have never seen anything quite like this in my life,” says Howie. “It was incredible,” says Heidi. Mel B calls it exciting. Simon thinks the act is clever and unforgettable. – 4 yesses
Chase Goehring – Singer – White guy with guitar! And red hair. He’s a 21 year old formerly shy guy who found himself through music. He’s singing an original song called “Hurt” tonight. The song is about a real life relationship with a friend. He’s an Ed Sheeran knockoff. Not bad, but not terribly original. He breaks into a rap, which the judges obviously were not expecting. He’s talented but hasn’t really developed a unique style yet. Crowd loves it though. Howie calls it a “unique song.” Heidi thinks he’s “very cute.” Simon calls the performance “bloody fantastic.” Now, I wonder if they’ll allow him to sing original songs throughout? “That song is going to mean so much to so many people.” says Mel. – 4 yeses.
Montage! Jordin Sparks “No Air” (no Chris Brown! Only the Jordin parts!) plays as we see a few successful hand balancing acts.
Jimmy Slonina – Comedic Hand Balancing Act – This dude’s partner is a blow up doll. He preens and poses in various positions, using the doll as a prop. The act ends with the doll completely deflated. “Seriously?” Simon slams his buzzer. Heidi buzzes next. She does not look happy. Of course, Howie thinks it’s hilarious. “This is comedy, this is hysterical.” Heidi thought he needed to do more. Howie disagrees. Mel B seems to like it. Howie tries to talk Heidi into saying yes. She isn’t budging. Simon says, “categorically…NEVER.” I’m with Heidi and Simon. LAME. Mel B and Howie say yes. 2 nos 2 yeses (eliminated)
After the break, we’re back with a montage of bad acts.
Artyon & Paige – Kid Dancers – They dance to “Barbie Girl.” It’s a mixture of ballroom and contemporary with fun tricks. Simon buzzes them! They would not have been good enough for World of Dance or SYTYCD Juniors, but they are cute and energetic. Simon buzzed them–he feels they are underdeveloped and need more time. And he didn’t love the song choice. The audience boos him. Heidi loves them. So did Mel B. and Howie. Simon sticks to his guns, though – 3 yesses 1 no
Nick Uhas – He studied chemistry in college and makes science videos for the internet. He thinks science could be the greatest act in Vegas and that his act is worth 1 million dollars because “Science is that cool.” He has judges suck in some weird gas that makes their voices really deep. “Simon I am your worst nightmare!” Mel intones. “Simon Cowell, I am your father,” Howie responds. I guess that’s fun. The next bit, with Howie’s assistance, results in tons of colorful foam. And the final trick created a huge explosive cloud. That was…rudimentary to be honest. But, the crowd eats it up. The judges suck in the weird gas before offering their critiques. They all dug it. ETA: Nick was on Big Brother season 15 in 2013. I literally didn’t remember him without a refresher. Ok. He was evicted second. He had a bit of a showmance with GinaMarie who had a massive crush on him. He was kind of an asshat, to be honest. – 4 yeses
Pelican 212 – A fresh faced family band sings “We Are Family.” They go through, Ugh
Emily and Billy England – Brother Sister Roller Skating act – They’ve got British accents. Oh. They were on Britain’s Got Talent two years ago. They live in America now. Simon wanted them to do their thing on this side of the pond. They do a blend of acrobatics and contemporary dance on skates. It’s a little dangerous. Billy spins Emily around like a rag doll. She’s the one in a position to really get hurt. He swings her so close to the ground, her hair grazes the floor. Oh boy. Howie felt that at any moment, Emily could have been flung into the judges table. Simon calls it “literally death defying,” and better than the last time he saw them. – 4 yeses
Angelica Hale – Kid Singer – She’s nine years old. She loves to sing. When Angelica was 4 years old, she had double pneumonia and her kidneys stopped working. She would have died if her mother hadn’t donated a kidney. She announces on stage that she’s “going to be a big sister.” And she wants to be the next Whitney Houston. When she finally opens her mouth to sing, a surprisingly mature alto comes out. It’s pretty weird to be honest. She sings “Rise Up.” Her voice is well developed and for a 9 year old her intonation is impressive. Dollar signs must be dancing in front of Simon Cowell’s eyes right about now. The judges give her a standing ovation. “You have a star on your hands,” says Tyra to the parents. “You’re tiny…your voice is huge,” says Simon, “I have a feeling we’re looking at a future star.” When Angelica tells Mel B she’s her favorite judge, Simon hits his buzzer. Ha ha. “All your dreams are going to come true,” predicts Howie. – 4 yeses
Azeri Brothers – Strength Act – One brother does all the talking. The other two strip off their shirts and do crazy feats of strength. In the first bit, one of the brothers hammers huge nails into wood with his bare hands, followed by using his forehead. Tyra cautions the kiddies not to try that at home. The other brother lays on a bed of nails while the unathletic sibling stands on top of him. A volunteer from the audience takes the stage to do a bit with a shovel and a knife at the neck. Heidi and Howie have buzzed. But mostly because they are grossed out. “It was disgusting, but I loved it,” says Simon. Howie thinks the act goes to far. Mel didn’t like, but knows it will be a popular act. Heidi says no, Mel B says yes. Howie says yes after asking the audience what they thought, They cheer. Nope. I didn’t like it. But what do I know? – 3 yesses one no
Colin Cloud – Mentalist – He’s the “real life Sherlock Holmes” we previewed over the weekend. Colin was inspired by the Sherlock Holmes books and has learned how to read people just like the detective,. Or not!He says his background is in “criminal profiling.” He does a thing where he guesses which hand the judges are holding a coin. This trick is going by so fast, I’m not really sure what’s happening. It ends with a kitten wearing a a name tag “Oscar.” Simon wants to play with the cat. “That was truly amazing” says Howie. Heidi thinks he’s fantastic. Simon thinks the two of them could take over the world, which he says as he strokes the white kitty like Dr. Evil. 4 yeses
Mandy Harvey – Singer – She lost her ability to hear at 18 years old. She’s now 29. Growing up, all she wanted to do was sing. She got an ear infection in college, and eventually she became legally deaf. She was studying music in school and her growing disability forced her to leave. Hm. She doesn’t wear hearing aids. She performs barefoot–she feels the vibration through the floor. Mandy performs a self-penned tune “Try.” She’s able to sing and stay on pitch. She has a very sweet voice, and some talent. It must have been devastating to lose her hearing. Mandy becomes emotional when the crowd gives her a standing ovation. Simon says “I don’t think you’re going to need a translator for this,” before Simon hits HIS GOLDEN BUZZER. He takes the stage to give her a big hug. She is straight through to the live shows. Howie stands up and does the deaf clapping with his hands? That was an emotional one.