American Music Awards 2009 – Performance Videos

After the jump, check out performances from Daughtry, Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood and Adam Lambert. Plus, Kris Allen and Demi Lovato present the Best Female R&B Artist to Beyonce.

Idol Performance of the night goes to Kelly Clarkson’s moving and powerful “Already Gone”. Carrie Underwood and Daughtry had solid performances.

Set aside the S&M overtones, or that Adam Lambert kissed a boy, and simulated a blow job on stage. That didn’t phase me. Unfortunately, Adam did not deliver a good performance. He overcooked his vocals, like he did on Idol a few times. He seemed nervous from the get go. And after he tripped, he never caught his bearings again.

There was too much hype and too much expectation around this performance–a lot of pressure to place on the shoulders of a young, new artist, I think.

Update: From Rolling Stone, “Rolling Stone has learned that producers weren’t informed about the guy-on-guy kiss in advance, and after the show, Lambert told RS the musician he kissed is a straight man.”

2nd Update: The simulated blow job was cut out of the West Coast feed…

3rd Update. Check out Perez Hilton HERE.

Videos after the JUMP…

Adam Lambert – “For Your Entertainment”

Carrie Underwood – “Cowboy Casanova”

Kris Allen and Demi Lovato

Kelly Clarkson – “Already Gone”

Daughtry – “Life After You”

About mj santilli 35180 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!